Bieber Fever OR Mindless Mania??

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So I felt the need to write another here it is lol


[They are walking through the mall]

Prodigy: So Roc do you have any idea what you are going to get Morgz for her birthday?

Ray: I know what she should get you!

Roc: What?

Ray: A box of condoms. That girl needs to get laid. If she did she wouldn't be so mean.

[Princeton and Prodigy hit Ray upside the head]

Ray: DAMN! That shit hurt! I was just saying.

Roc: Shut the fuck up bruh. Don't worry about my relationship. You just mad because Diamond won't let you get it in!

Princeton: Roc got a point!

Ray: Princeton ain't nobody ask you nothing. I like a little challenge. Plus, I don't want to force her into anything. I love this girl.

[Prodigy, Roc, and Princeton all stop and look at Ray with a confused expression]

Princeton: You.....of all people actually LOVE someone?

Prodigy: Are you high?

Ray: No. I am dead ass. I KNOW she is the one for me. I want her to be mine forever. I can't imagine life without her.

Roc: I never would have thought I would see this day.

Prodigy: [Starts to "cry"] My little brother is growing up...*sniff* haha

Ray: Whatever. Back to the topic on hand, what are you getting Morgz for her birthday?

Roc: I don't know. What would she want?

Princeton: She has been saying she wants an iPhone 4

Prodigy: True. Why don't you get her one?

Roc: I guess.

[They all walk in the Apple Store]

Princeton: This place never gets old!

Prodigy: I know bro!

Ray: DOMO!!!! [Ray takes off running]

[They leave the Apple Store]

Prodigy: Did you get the phone?

Roc: Yeah!

Ray: I got Morgz a gift in there too! If she doesn't like it she can give it to me.

Princeton: What did you get?

[Ray pulls out a Domo iPhone case]

Prodigy: What the fuck dude?

Ray: Naw I am just kidding. I actually got her this. [He pulls out a Cookie Monster iPhone case]

Roc: That's fly! Did you get me one?

Ray: The fuck I look like? Santa Clause?

 [Princeton busts out laughing]

Prodigy: What's wrong with you?

Princeton: When Ray said that I saw a guy that looked like Santa walk by

Roc: You stupid!

Ray: HAHA Where? Do you think he would take a picture with me. 

Prodigy: NO! Let's go. I am HUNGRY!

Roc & Princeton & Ray: FATASS!

Prodigy: I am a growing boy!

Ray: Suuuuuureee.....

Princeton: So Ray have you thought about Diamond's birthday?

Ray: No! It ain't until October! It is July!

Roc: So? She is turning 16! We HAVE to go all out!

Prodigy: We sure as hell do. You only turn 16 once! We have to make it a party she will rememeber.

Ray: I know. But what can we do?

Princeton: I have an idea.

Roc: What?

[Princeton's phone rings]

Princeton: I will tell you later. I have to take this. It's my mom.

[Princeton walks ahead]

Roc: Where will be for her birthday anyways?

Ray: Cali

[Prodigy looks up and sees KFC, Popeyes, and Chick-Fil-A]

Prodigy: I AM IN HEAVEN!!

Roc & Ray: Oh Lord!

Justin's POV:

Diamond: ........................

Justin: Aren't you the Oreo Girlz?

Morgz: [nods] uh huh!

Justin: Are you Diamond? [I nod my head towards here]

Diamond:.............. [Morgz and Keke hit her] OW!! Chill with that! 

Keke: Then use your words! And yes she is Diamond.

Justin: You are such a great dancer. I have heard a lot about you too.

Oreo Girlz: YOU HAVE?!

Justin: Yeah!

Morgz: How?

Justin: Usher talks about you a lot. he said he practically raised you. Isn't your brother best friends with him?

Diamond: Yeah. That nigga ain't raised nothing either! All they ever did was take me to the mall to get girls. The worst part was that it worked!!

Justin: Haha forreal?

Diamond: YES!

Justin: You are beautiful.

Justin's thoughts: OH SHIT! Did I just say that out loud?

Diamond:......Did it just get hot? Why can't I breathe?

Morgz: Calm down! 

Keke: Someone has a severe case of Bieber Fever.

[Diamond hits Keke]

Diamond: Why don't you go stuff your tongue down Princeton's throat?

Keke: I would be glad to, but I am not about to go look for him.

Justin: Do you think we could walk around for a minute?

Diamond: Umm I don't know...


Diamond: Okay sure! I will see you guys later. Text me if you need anything.

[I take her hand and pull her close to me and we start walking]


So true story about my brother and Usher! It is sad but true. I was nothing but a way to get girls. They would all think I was so cute and thought they were so nice to babysit their sister. It was just part of the plot to reel the girls in!!

Anyways this will be my last chapter until after exams. I just really had the urge to right. 

Download Jawan Harris's and Ace Primo's mixtape!! They are both sooo good. Chris Brown & Kool-Aid lol!!!!

Comment and let me know what you think of the story. I can't wait until The next few chapters. I got something in store for y'all!! ;)

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