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[Star is balling her eyes out and Ray goes into Diamond's room and slams the door and locks it]

Star's POV:

Babydoll: What happened?? [Runs up to her and hugs her]

Star: He is such an asshole. 

[Diamond looks up from her phone and gives Morgz a "I know this bitch just didn't" look]

Prodigy: What did he do?

Star: [I look at Diamond and notice that she is giving me the death stare] Nothing!

Diggy: Well obviously something happened!

Star: Don't worry about it.

Beauty: We WILL talk later!

Star: Okay.

Star's thoughts: I don't know what to do! I really want Ray Ray back, but I don't want to lose my life.

Morgz: Well I am going to go take a shower and go to bed.

Everyone but Morgz: Aight. Goodnight!!

Roc: I am going to chill out here with everyone for a bit then I will come in there with you babe!

Morgz: Okay! [He kisses her cheek]

Diamond's POV:

Khalil: So where are all of us going to sleep?

Keke: Don't ask me! Ask Diamond!

Diamond: The fuck bruh?!

Issa: Well.....Diamond?

Diamond: You better hold the fuck up! Don't rush me!

Princeton: All I know is that I want to be whereever my princess is!

Babydoll: *mumbles* He never called me that...

[Keke kisses Princeton on the lips. Princeton is literally shoving his tongue down her throat]


Princeton: You don't have to tell me twice! [He picks up Keke and carries her into her room locking the door]

Diamond: Roc is in Morgz room...Ray is my room...Prodigy you can sleep in my room on the floor if you want. Khalil, Issa, and Diggy you can sleep in the game room and you three [I point to the OMG Girlz] Can sleep outside with the dogs. You will fit in well.

Beauty: EXCUSE ME?!

Diamond: *sarcasim* Nothing! I am just kidding. You guys can sleep in here if you want. The couch pulls out.

Star: Cool. Thanks!

[Diggy's phone goes off]

Diggy: I will be right back y'all. I need to take this call. [He gets up and walks towards the back of the bus.

Diamond: Alright. I will see you guys in a few. I am going to go talk to Ray Ray. 

[I start to walk back to my room when I get a text]

{Text Convo}

Unknown: This isn't over yet bitch

*Ray'sDomo*: Who is this?

Unknown: Don't worry about it just know I am coming for your ass and your little boyfriend too.

*Ray'sDomo*: I ain't scared of you!! Bitch you are the least of my problems.

Unknown: I wouldn't say that. Just know that you belong to me

*Ray'sDomo*: I belong to NO ONE but God and my parents!

Unknown: Not when I am done with you

{End of Text Convo}

Diamond's thoughts: I must admit that I am kind of scared, but what could they possibly do?

[I knock on the door]

Ray: Who is it?

Diamond: It is me babe. Let me in? Please?

[He unlocks the door and I go in closing the door behind me]

Diggy's POV:

[I knock on the door to Morgz room]

Morgz: Who is it?

Diggy: Me babe!

Morgz: Who the hell is me?

Diggy: What are you doing for homework?

Morgz: Oh! haha

[She opens the door and lets me in. She had just got out the shower and was wrapped in a towel]

Diggy: Damn! You look sexy as fuck!

Morgz: Thanks *blushes* Be right back. I am going to put some clothes on.

Diggy: There would be no point . All I would do is just take them back off. So why don't we make this easy.

[I grab her hand and lead her to the bed and lay her down. I climb on top of her and start kissing her lips. I stick my tongue in her mouth and deepen the kiss. I start kissing her on the neck and she moans softly. I take the towel off of her]

Diggy: You have a sexy ass body!

Morgz: *blushes* thanks!

[I start kissing her again and she starts to take off my shirt. I start taking off my pants.]

Diggy: Are you sure you want to do this?

Morgz: yea

[I go in her slowly and then go deeper and deeper. She starts moaning.]

{A few hours later}

Diggy: I ain't know you would be that good in bed!

Morgz: I am full of surprises.

Diggy: I think I should go now. Before Roc comes.

Morgz: Okay!

[I get dressed and head back out to the game room and see everyone playing Madden except Ray and Diamond]

Diggy's thoughts: OH SHIT!!! I FORGOT TO USE A CONDOM!! I hope that I ain't get her pregnant! Please Lord I hope this girl ain't pregnant!


OH SHIT!!!! Morgz pregnant?!?!?! 

What happened with Ray & Diamond? Did she tell him about her and Justin? Her and Khalil?

Ray & Star?

Diggy & Morgz and a baby??

Goodness! Too much drama

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