Justin WHO?!?!

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On the OMG Girlz tour bus

OMG Girlz POV:

Sitting at the table in the kitchen

[Beauty is holding ice to her busted lip and black eye]

Beauty: Why do those bitches think they can join our tour and steal our men?

Star: Seriously! They think they run the place. They aren't even that pretty.

Beauty: I know right! That Morgz bitch got another thing coming if she think this is over. I am not about to let her take MY man!

Babydoll: Are you sure you want to try something with her again? She might break your ass. 

Beauty: She can't fight! The only reason she won this time was because she caught me off guard.

Star: Sure. I know one thing though, I ain't fucking with Diamond or Morgz. 

Babydoll: Diamond? What she do to you?

Star: She punched me in the face and I fell INTO the wall. I couldn't see straight!

[Babydoll and Beauty try to keep a straight face but bust out laughing]

Star: It isn't FUNNY!

Babydoll: Okay Okay. How about  I beat her ass for you!

Star: I don't think you want to do that.

Babydoll: I will beat her ass and Keke's ass for stealing my man! Because of Keke, Princeton won't text me, call me, or even look at me. I miss him so much.

Star: Same thing with Ray! Since he laid his eyes on Diamond that boy ain't been the same. I don't get what he sees in her...I miss him so much. I thought Ray was the one for me. 

[She looks down at the necklace Ray had given her. It was a locket with a picture of both of them in it]

Beauty: I sure as hell don't understand why Roc likes Morgz. That bitch is a hoe anyways!

Babydoll: Well at least Prodigy is still single. Didn't you used to like him Beauty?

Beauty: Yeah I did and I still do kind of, but he likes Diamond too!

Star: True, Diamond gets all the guys. What does she have that we don't have?

Babydoll: NOTHING! We are obviously better than all three of them!

Beauty: You got that right! I heard Khalil talking about her the other day. He was saying how he wants to be with her.

Star: I heard Issa talking about Keke last night when he was in his dressing room. He was telling Diggy that he thinks she is sexy and how he may take her out.

Babydoll: Diggy was saying how he thinks Morgz might be the one to change his flirting ways. He thinks she is the one!

Beauty: I just don't understand it! Before we used to run this and now they just walk in and take it all away.

Star: We need to get our spot on top back!

Babydoll: I think we should use any means necessary!


The mall in D.C.

Diamond's POV:

Roc: OH SHIT THERE IS AN APPLE STORE! I am hitting that up ASAP!

Prodigy: Calm down bro! We have all day. 

Keke: Forreal!

Morgz: I say we hit H&M

Diamond & Keke: Let's Go!

MB: HELL NAW!! We want to go to Apple and GameStop! 

Oreo: FINE!

Diamond: How about you guys go do what you want and we will go shop together.

Morgz: I agree.

Ray: But I don't want to leave you babe!

Morgz: Boy you see her all the time anyways! Calm that shit down and go on somewhere.

Ray: Rude much? Someone needs to get laid!

Morgz: And SOMEONE is about to lose his manhood!

Diamond: Calm down Morgz! Ray I will see you later [kisses his lips] Okay?

Ray: Okay babe!

Prodigy: Damn Princeton! Get your tongue from down her throat before she chokes on it!

Roc: Seriously dude! Take a break.

[The boys start pulling Princeton off of Keke]

Princeton: Bye princess!

Keke: *giggles* Bye Prince!

[I gag]

Diamond: I think I just threw up a little in my mouth!

Morgz: Same

Roc: HOLD UP! [Walks over to Morgz and kisses her passionately.] Bye sexy!

Morgz: uh huh...num

[Keke and I both hit Morgz on the arm]

Morgz: OW! Violent much! Bye baby!

[We head our separate ways and the girls and I start walking towards H&M]

Keke: So are you guys ready for the show tonight?

Diamond: Nope! Milton is going to be there!

Keke: EWWW! Why is he here?

Morgz: Same thang I said! [She looks me up and down]

Diamond: What? [I do my Ray Ray shoulder shrug]

Keke: I am nervous because Justin is going to be there!

Diamond: Justin is going to be there? That's our bro! Why are you nervous?

Morgz: Not Justin Martin dumbass!

Keke: Justin Bieber!

[I stop dead in my tracks]

Diamond: Just...Jus....Ju....J..Jus....Ju...J..............ustin WHO?!

Keke & Morgz: BIEBER!!!!!!!

Diamond: FORREAL!!!!!!! Y'all know I am a die hard belieber right? OMG I THINK I AM GOING TO FAINT!!! I LOVE him!!!!! 


Diamond: WHO YOU TELLING TO CALM DOWN?! WE ARE TALKING ABOUT JUSTIN FUCKING BIEBER!! MY REASON FOR EXISTENCE! If it wasn't for him I wouldn't know shit about Mindless Behavior!

Keke: ummm guys!

Diamond: He is amazing in all types of ways!!!

Keke: Ummmm Diamond.....

Diamond: I would marry him in a heart beat and why are you just standing there staring?

[Morgz grabs my shoulders and turns me around and I am face to face with Justin Bieber]


Sorry it is short guys, but I didn't have much time. 

Fact...I am a Belieber and I wouldn't know about Mindless Behavior if I hadn't of gone to the My World concert. I am in love with him. I think I may even have an obsession!

Anyways let me know what you think! I need comments. I feel like my story isn't good enough. 

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