Chapter 6

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"Run, Forrest, Run!" Glenath muttered as she ran.

She could not help but give a laugh filled with irony. Usually people ran from her, not the other way round. But, now in her depleted state she was equal to an average human and that is why she was huffing and puffing and sweating buckets. Pathetic!

Suddenly she slammed in to something and flew back as she got up to look at what she barged in to she found nothing but clear path.

Confused, she got off her ass and started walking and just two steps later she stopped, she could not move. While she could see a clear path ahead and no visible barrier she simply could not move as if there was an invisible wall blocking her way. As she tried to put all her strength in putting a step forward she couldn't and her hand tingled. Specifically, the unwanted bracelet on her hand.

She narrowed her eyes at the offending shackle and tried to put her hand out again but met with an invisible wall that she could not move ahead from and her shackle tingled again.

Magic! The bastard had a tethering spell put on her. It was a fairly simple witch spell nothing fancy take two objects and put a tethering spell and those two objects could not be away from each other like say a few miles apart. However tethering spell only worked on inanimate objects and not on people, mortal or otherwise.

So she knew the shackle was one of the objects of the tethering spell and the other object was certainly back in the house, god knew what.

She ran around, trying to figure out the parameter and roughly figured out her tether radius was five miles from the bastard's house.

She was stuck! Fucking stuck! And all her friends abandoned her! She seethed but built up a determination, she had been through worst and she would make it out of this fix as well and on top of that she would only be stuck her for five days tops. Once she got her powers back no witch spell could hold her back. She had two objectives now, try to find her tether pair and second get her life-force recharge ASAP.

After many hours of wandering about aimlessly swallowing her pride, she started to head back to the house as she had little choice and knew she would have one pissed off wolf to deal with and the bastard didn't even come looking for her as he knew the spell would ensure she did not escape.

But what else did he know? She wondered. Did he know the vulnerable state she was in? He should have guessed by now, otherwise she would have escaped those pathetic chains she had been chained in. Her heart skipped a beat, would he take advantage of her in her situation? She bit her lip in thought, if he was a smart alpha he would have guessed that this might be a temporary situation and he would know once her powers were back there would be hell to pay. So he would tread carefully...or not. She shrugged, she would have to take it as it came and no way she was spending the night in the forest, she saw bugs and other slimy creatures crawling gleefully on the forest floor...yuk! She shuddered.

Overbearing werewolves she could handle...slimy bugs with hundreds or so feet. Not so much, as if reading her thought one slimy looking thing with a million legs merrily crawled her way she stomped on it feeling a satisfactory squish as it turned in to green slime, some of it sticking to her shoe.

Yuck! Yuck and Yuck! She moved her ass faster to the house.

The bastard was sitting casually in the living room, lounging casually on the sofa and flipping channels...not a care in the world. Oh! She would hang his pelt in her living room!

As she entered he turned to her and grinned. Bastard!

"Welcome back" he said cheerfully.

"You put a tethering spell on my shackle" She accused.

"Yes" he casually said "I wanted to keep you around and I would be a fool if I thought you would stick around willingly."

"So you knew I would run?" She asked.

"Of course I did, you will learn that I hardly make the same mistake twice" He promised.

"You know they won't hold me forever" She told him.

"I know" he confessed "but for however long they hold you, I have you here"

"And now that you have me here, what do you plan to do?" She asked.

"You are my mate? What do you think I plan to do?" He vowed darkly.

"So you want to fuck me? Against my will?" She accused.

He growled, sexily...sexily?!?! What the fu?? She must have hurt her head.

"You are my mate...I cannot harm you! To think I would do something vile...the very thought disgusts me!" he roared and asked "Do you really think of me so low?" his eyes were dark but she saw hurt and in them. She had a strong urge to wipe those feelings from him.

What the fuck was wrong with her? She shook off those thoughts and shrugged at him nonchalantly.

"I don't know wolf, you are keeping me against my will here, what's to say what you will or will not do?" She challenged him.

"Then let me say this" he stated with all seriousness "I vow to you that I will not touch you until you ask me to" He promised.

"And you think I will want you to?" she asked.

He shrugged.

"In that case you will never touch me" She vowed back to him.

"In that case" he parroted her statement "you have nothing to worry about now do you?"

"Why do you keep me here against my will? What do you hope to gain?" She asked curious.

"Your heart" he deadpanned and added " You look like you need a bath, There are some spare clothes I have in the closet for you, you can freshen up and come down, I will make lunch" with that he walked out of the room.

Did her traitorous hear skip a beat? Fuck! She was in more trouble then she knew.

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