Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Four Days later

"So how is your wolf mate treating you?" Genove asked.

"I am still pissed at you" she said her eyes narrowing.

"I am sorry dove I could not go against the fey court" he said sorrowfully.

"And yet you are here" she hissed.

"There is a difference in bending a rule and breaking it" he informed her.

Genove had appeared out of thin air while she was taking a solitary walk trying to clear her head. The four days had messed up her head completely.

She would be totally and completely lying if she said she didn't feel for the wolf. Love, certainly not? But affection, attraction and some lust...definitely yes! If she would have been a lesser female she would have gone down on her knees and begged him to marry her.

He had been good, he had been extremely good and had not left a single stone unturned to woo her Romantic breakfasts, afternoon movies, evening walks and dinner under the stars had been his MO. On top of that yesterday, he had taken her to some of the most beautiful natural spots in his pack lands and he gifted her land, land!

Did he know what land meant to elf? Land was everything! They were the true children of the earth! He had taken her to the most beautiful spot of earth she had ever seen, a lake un spoilt by civilization deep in his territory and promptly told her it was hers. It was enough to bring her to her knees.

She had laid down on the ground in the grass and closed her eyes and felt her connection to the earth hum with energy. She felt at peace, she felt her soul connect with the planet, this would be her favorite spot.

And the gentle kiss he had given her on the forehead yesterday before retiring to bed, it has been so gentle it sent shivers down her spine.

Yes, she had to admit, the wolf was good. But he was undoubtedly extremely motivated after all she was his mate...or other half as they claimed. She had spent some time with his pack, she understood their hierarchy. The werewolves were simple folks, everyone had a part to play in their packs but mostly what they liked were their homes and their families and by god they had some huge families. The mate bond or whatever ensured they fucked like rabbits and dropped out young ones every season. She had never seen so many kids in one single place.

But was it enough? No, it was much as her heart said otherwise, her belief still stuck true, they were from different worlds. She could not go through it...again.

"He is treating me fine" she sighed walking pensively, Genove walking next to her.

"So what is your decision?" he asked her softly.

"I can't do this again Genove" she whispered softly.

"I see" he said, he did see "Does he know?"

"What?" she asked.

"That your powers are back?" Genove clarified.

Did the wolf know? No he did not.

The better question was her powers had returned early on the fourth day morning. She had been elated for a while but then her mood grew somber and she knew she could leave anytime she wanted but she did not, she had stayed back, why had she? She had wanted to give him the four days she promised. But a whisper in her mind told the truth...she did not want to leave. So she made a pact with herself, she would give him the four days she promised and then she would leave.

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