Chapter 1

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One more book from me, I couldn't resist, this idea has  been in my head for a while and refuses to let me be unless I put it on paper, so here it goes. Few things to keep in mind:

a) Will be updated randomly.
b) Will be a short story.
c) Totally unrelated to the other book I am writing.
d) Absolutely unedited.

I intend to make this a short fun book, so sit back and enjoy!

Chapter 1

"Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!" She murmured desperately as she heard the phone ringing.

"Yellow!" The other side responded chirpily.

"Thank god Genove! Get me out of here!" She disparately pleaded.

"Whoa! Get you out of where dove?" Genove asked slowly. Trying to understand what the chit had gotten herself in to now.

"I got myself arrested!" She hissed in to the phone, panicky.

"What? How?" Genove asked surprised, of all the things she could manage to do...well, this was new. She did have the capability to surprise him after all these years

"Wait! Wait! I finally used the chainsaw I gifted you last Christmas?" At least that would be worth getting arrested for.


"Was it the flamethrower? Now dove don't tell me you used the flamethrower without me?" he pouted. She had promised him a wing man role in the mayhem she planned to unleash with it.

"Listen Genove!" She hissed in to the phone interrupting him "I beat up a wolf, they put me in a slammer!" She wailed. It wasn't as if she killed the damn wolf! 

"Aww... Red riding hood beats up the big bad wolf...did you eat him too? know revenge for the grandma that he allegedly swallowed?" Genove asked.

"Genove!!!" She screamed in frustration, this was not time for jokes.

"All right...all right...I will be there tomorrow." He agreed grudgingly sensing her mood. 

"Tomorrow?!?! What the fuck for?" She demanded.

"You wanted to be adventurous right? So spend a night in the slammer, it is something you can tell your grandchildren" He sagely explained.

"Genove, I swear to you, I will...." She knew why he was doing this, that was his way of teaching her consequences of her actions or some shit like that.

"Listen chit! I am in the middle of doing that thing you asked me to do and I know you can take care of yourself, what's stopping you from walking out?" He asked, his tone no longer playful. Not that she needed his help to get out of a stupid jail.

"Too many witnesses and I am flying under the radar especially with what happened recently...Don't want unnecessary attention." She explained why she was stuck, he was right if she wanted to leave it was not like they could stop her but it would bring un-necessary attention she way trying to avoid. 

"aaahhhh" He said in realization "The bad girl don't want to get spanked...again!" He snickered. Yep, if she got attention again for the wrong reasons, it would not end well for her.

"Shut up" She snapped, knowing he was right. 

"Tomorrow chit, till then experience the luxuries uncle Sam has to might be enlightening" He told her, one night in the slammer just might do some good to her. 

She bit her lower lip and grudgingly said "All right, tomorrow first thing I am expecting my lawyer"

"I will even wear my lawyer hat, pinky promise!" He said gleefully and  disconnected the call.

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