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marvel trash

Rey Mysteria
Guys I'm so in love with Sebastian
He's the greatest I've ever had
And he's so hot too ugh
I don't know why I didn't tell him
how I felt sooner

Iced Mocha
Give the girl her phone back,

Arrow Guy
Sebastian, waddup???

Rey Mysteria
Lol damn

You're too predictable Seb

Iron Grandpa
Rey would never say that
She's not that mushy

Iced Mocha
Unless she's really in her feelings
and I doubt she is

Rey Mysteria
I'm not

Sebastian 💘
She's not

Rey Mysteria
I am on cloud nine though
I'm happy as fuck y'all

Spiderling 🕷
You're from New York, you
don't say y'all

scarlove johansson
You say whatever you want baby

Rey Mysteria
Oh I will, not even Tom can ruin my

Sebastian 💘
I love seeing you happy
And I love even more that I'm the
reason behind it

Tic Tac
God you guys are just too cute
I could squeeze tf outta your cheeks

Spiderling 🕷
What a dad thing to say

Glad I'm a cool dad

Iron Grandpa

Arrow Guy
Same too

Rey Mysteria
Define "cool"

Arrow Guy
Fuck you Reyna

Iced Mocha
That's Sebastian's job now
I still don't understand how you two
never did it after spending fifteen years
with one another

Rey Mysteria
Oh my gosh
You sick freak

Iced Mocha
I'm just saying
He lost his virginity to some
random girl in a hotel when he
could've had you all along

Sebastian 💘

Iron Grandpa
You two have been in love with
each other for years, it wouldn't have
been weird

Rey Mysteria
Yes it would have
Let's not talk about it
Let's talk about our missing person

Arrow Guy

Rey Mysteria
But he doesn't have a life so

Spiderling 🕷
Hmm, I wonder why he's not

Rey Mysteria
I will fight you, bug

Spiderling 🕷

Sebastian 💘
He was here this morning

Rey Mysteria
I'm gonna text him and then I'm
going to sleep. Later gators

Skinny Love → Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now