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baby rey has added scarlove johansson to the conversation.

baby rey has added Capsicle to the conversation.

baby rey has added Thoreal to the conversation.

baby rey has added Iced Mocha to the conversation.

baby rey has added Tic Tac to the conversation.

baby rey has added Spiderling 🕷 to the conversation.

baby rey has added Iron Grandpa to the conversation.

baby rey has added Chadtastic to the conversation.

baby rey has added Arrow Guy to the conversation.

baby rey
Hey guys. I know it's been like
a long day, but I just wanted to text you
all and let you know that I'm so
grateful for all of your messages.
I love you all so much. You're the greatest
people I've ever had the opportunity to
know. Thank you for always being there
when I need you.

Iced Mocha
Oh my gosh, she's alive

Anthony ...

baby rey
I am alive, thank you

scarlove johansson
What's been going on, Rey?

We saw the article about you
leaving Sebastian's in tears

Iron Grandpa
The asshole hasn't been answering
any of us either, so we have no clue
what's been happening

scarlove johansson
Did you tell him about Margarita
cheating on him?

baby rey

Iced Mocha
Wait, what the fuck


I never liked her

scarlove johansson
Yes, she did it again and Reyna
threw her into the river because of

Spiderling 🕷

Tic Tac
What even Tom

Spiderling 🕷
I'm trying to be American


scarlove johansson
ANYWAY, what went down between
you two at his apartment???

baby rey
Well, I told him about Margarita
and he accused me of lying about
it. He then proceeded to tell me he
wished he had never met me, so yeah.
I've never been so hurt in my life.
Thankfully my mom loves me, so she
decided to spontaneously drop two
grand on plane tickets to Paris. Don't
worry, I'm definitely not letting her
spend a single cent while we're here.

Iced Mocha
Omg that dick

Can I please punch him in
the face for making you feel
this way?

Tic Tac
I've always loved your mom

baby rey
No, just leave it alone. Maybe
things are better this way

Iron Grandpa
The hell they are! None of this
should have ever happened. Sebastian
should be with you and you two should
be happy. A world without Reynastian is a
world I don't want to live in

Iced Mocha
Yeah, you tell that bastard to get his
shit and his feelings together. We all
know that's the biggest lie to ever come
out of his mouth. The man loves you so
much, and it's really sad that you're the
only one who's been mature enough to
come to terms with your feelings.

baby rey
Well, women do mature faster
than men do. But it doesn't matter
anymore. He doesn't care about my
feelings and he made that very clear
before I left that night. I'll get over it
sooner or later

But you won't get over him

baby rey
I love him more than I've ever loved
anyone. A feeling like that doesn't just disappear overnight. It'll hurt and it'll
take time, but eventually I will. I can't
allow myself to always live in pain because
I was the only one who cared

I wish things were different, Rey.
I've always "shipped" you and
Sebastian together.

baby rey
Well, that ship sunk before it
even began to sail so

Iced Mocha
My Reynastian heart is breaking

baby rey
Mine's been broken, so I think
I beat you pal. But I just landed
so I'm gonna talk to you all later.
I need a little bit of time to deal with
everything. I love you guys

Iron Grandpa
We love you, Rey. Don't
forget my Parisian souvenir

baby rey
Wouldn't dream of it, Downey

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