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marvel trash

Rey Mysteria
Okay get the fuck off my Instagram
You're all getting on my nerves
Except Sebastian and Paul and Rob

Tic Tac
Aw yay, I love you Rey

Iced Mocha
Excuse us for not understanding why
the fuck you of all people decided to
befriend Margarita Levieva, the very
woman who cheated on your boyfriend
and best friend multiple times AND is
now having his baby

Sorry Rey, but it just doesn't
make sense

Kind of weird, love.

Rey Mysteria
I don't care how weird it is. I'm a
32 year old woman who doesn't
have time for drama or time to hold
a grudge over something that happened
in a relationship that will never happen
again. Margarita's 36 and she's about to
be a mom. She doesn't need that in her
life either. She needs a friend, and I'm
more than willing to set aside my
differences to be that friend for her. And
you people are adults, even Tom. Fucking
act like it, especially on social media where
fans question every little thing that's said.

Iron Grandpa
Rey just dragged the fuck out of
all of you

scarlove johansson
I feel like a shitty friend rn

Iced Mocha
Looks like you're not the mom
of the group anymore, Scar

Spiderling 🕷
I am very sorry

Slay Rey
All of you should be
Who tf changed my name

Tic Tac
Twas I 🙋🏼

Slay Rey
Oh well okay
Just stop being assholes about
Margarita please. She's owned up
to her mistakes and she's a better
person now because of them. She's
actually really cool, and kind of like
me, except she's quieter

Explains why Sebastian dated her
in the first place

Sebastian 💘
Chris please

We're very sorry, Rey

Slay Rey
As you should be. Maybe
you all should try being her friend
too. Remember when I first met you
guys and I couldn't even speak to you
because I was so shy?

Iced Mocha
Yeah, when you were on the set of
TWS you stayed in your trailer or
you were with Sebastian or Aaron

The set of AOU was worse
Sebastian was never around so you
stayed in your trailer and only ever
talked to me or anyone unless you
had to in the movie

Sebastian 💘
Yeah well Margarita's like that too
Only it's worse with her

Slay Rey
Yeah so please just try to be nice
to her. If I can do it, you can do it

scarlove johansson
Well I guess the two of us will have
something to bond over

Slay Rey
Yes you will

I guess I can do it for Sebastian's

Iced Mocha
Same here 🙄

Sebastian 💘
Thanks pals

Spiderling 🕷
As long as my mom and dad are
happy I'm happy

Sebastian 💘
Please stop

Spiderling 🕷

Slay Rey
Now that we've got all of
this settled, I think I'm gonna
get back to watching Iron Man
with my friend

Iron Grandpa
HAHAHAHA you insignificant fucks

Slay Rey
Why the hell do I talk to you people

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