Chapter 7

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We piled into the booth and lined up along the microphones.

"What are we going to sing Marley? It's your choice". Louis asked me.

"Um do you guys know Just Give Me Reason by Pink and Nate Ruess? I smiled nervously.

They all nodded confidently.

We started off with me then moved around until we were all singing together. It sounded really good, great actually.

"Alright I think that should wrap things up for now." Liam told us. We nodded and checked with their manager who told we could leave.

It was raining again, reminding me of Harry and I's kiss. I blushed. Harry must have been thinking the same thing because he was blushing too.

"Am I missing something?" Niall asked with a mouth full of chips that he had somehow gotten a hold of I our way out.

"No" Harry and I both said at the same time.

"My ass". Louis muttered and we all giggled.


Once we got home I proceeded to make a batch of brownies and watch some Doctor Who. I didn't plan on eating them all in one sitting but I did want to save some. That dream was crushed as soon as I took then out of the oven. All 5 of the boys were crowded around me asking for one.

"You're all going to have to wait until they cool down and I get one or two!" I shouted over their voices.

So the boys sat there staring at the brownies until they cooled. Once they did I had to fight off each one of them with a spatula so that I could get the first one...or two. They cleaned up the pan leaving nothing left. Niall even licked the pan. I sighed and walked over to the couch to put in the first new episode. I had fed- exed my entire collection so that I didn't have to carry it in my suit case. As soon as I pressed play Harry plopped down next to me.

"What are we watching," he asked with a mouthful of brownies.

"Doctor Who", I told him.

"Never seen it".


Harry shook his head.

"It's a good thing we're starting at the beginning," I told him, "we're going to watch it all."

And so we started watching. By the end of the first season Harry was on the edge of his seat.

"Put in the next one! Pronto!" He shouted.

It went on like late for a while until I checked my phone.

"Holy poop it's 3 am", I whispered.

Harry was asleep so I turned the tv off and snuggled into his arms. So far I'd barley slept in my own bed.

I couldn't fall asleep for a while because I couldn't stop thinking about how perfect this moment was.


I woke up to Harry shaking me violently. It was only around 6 in the morning, I guess I'd only get 3 hours of sleep.

"Marley I wanna show you something! Put some sweatpants or leggings on and lets go." Harry rushed me, I wasn't even technically awake until we got Ito the car. He might of even watched me change but I was too tired to notice.

"Harry did you watch me change?"

He smiled.

"No skin I promise I looked away!" He said.

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