Chapter 8

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Once we were fully clothed we drove over to the hospital. Zayn was fine but he was still coughing a little bit. So he was instructed to stay in bed until he felt better.

"Marley why didn't you have clothes on when you were outside?" Zayn asked me. He was slightly sleepy.

"Uh my room was really hot so I um wanted to cool down." I answered.

He nodded and drifted off.

The boys laughed.

"So where were you two this morning, eh?" Louis winked as he talked.

"That's none of your business Louis." Harry told him coldly.

Louis made a pouty face and the rest of the boys mimicked him.

"Harry took me to the Millennium Bridge to watch the sunrise." I told them.

Harry groaned, embarrassed. The boys smiled and Liam turned on the radio to provide some white noise while everyone sat there.

When we got home, Liam and Niall carried Zayn up to his room and I tucked him into bed and gave him extra blankets because his forehead felt warm to me.

I walked down stairs and heard the boys laughing. They were lined up on the couch facing Harry. Louis and Niall were sneering.

"How was she Harreh?" Louis asked.

"We didn't have sex Louis." Harry told him sternly. Liam sat on the edge of the couch. I could tell that he had tried to be the mediator but had failed.

"Yeah sure." Louis laughed.

That's when Harry noticed me. My eyes were watering even though I wasn't sure why. Louis words shouldn't have hurt me that bad.

Harry immediately got up and grabbed my hand. I rubbed my eyes.

"NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT SEX. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST." I yelled as I ran up to my room and fell on my bed. I slammed my face into my pillow and sobbed for about a minute. Louis words shouldn't have stung me so bad but something was so familiar about this situation.

Oh now I remember.

When I was a sophomore, I went to a party with my boyfriend of the time named Alex. We split up and went to go see our friends, a couple hours into the party I walked into him and his friends. They were in the living room of the house, I pretended to mingle with some girls that were sanding near them as I listened to them talk.

"Dude, how was she?" Guy 1 asked.

"She was fantastic, never seen such a hot body." Alex said.

"Man I would do ANYTHING to get with Chloe." Guy 2 told him.

"Yeah, I mean when you have a girlfriend that won't put out, you gotta find other ways to please yourself." Alex told them.

They all laughed. At that point the tears were freely falling. So I walked up to Alex and told him he was a douchedick and kicked him in the balls. When is friends made an oohing sound I proceeded to punch them both in the nose. So that's why what Louis said hurt me so bad.

After I stopped crying, I called Leanne, who was in America. She picked up on the second ring.

"Marley sweetly what's going on?" Leanne asked.

"Um I'm really sad." I told her.

"Yeah I can tell. Why are you sad?"

"I uh, well, Harry and I are like a thing now and um I walked downstairs and Louis was asking how I was because I had walked out I just my underwear with Harry in his and uh."

"Marley honey is this about what Alex said when we were 16?" Leanne asked.


"Well Louis is not Alex. Harry didn't cheat on you. And Harry must of defended you, so all I can say is that boys will be boys, but these boys are very nice and I'm sure that Louis will apologize very soon."

"Yeah I guess, Louis is a really nice guy-"

"Marley, babe can I talk to you?" Harry said through my door.

"Leanne I'll call you later, Harry's here." We hung up.

I told Harry to hold on a second as I tried to wipe the mascara off my face but there was no fixing it. So I dried my eyes and hopped on my bed.

"Come in." I said.

He slowly opened the door and stepped in. I whimpered and he ran to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Louis' having a fit, he feels so bad about it." Harry whispered in my ear. "But it isn't entirely Louis' fault is it?"

"No." I told him. So I proceeded to tell him all about what Alex did to me.

"You wouldn't do that to me right, you know if we were dating." I asked him.

"Of COURSE not." He told me as he hugged me tighter and started to rock. "Okay but now Louis wants to apologize, he feels terrible."

I agreed to talk to Louis and went downstairs wrapped in a blanket.

I sat on the couch as Louis walked into the room.

"Look Marley I'm really sorry about what I said it can't be excused-".

"Louis it's not your fault, it's just that some douchebag said something just like what you said and it uh kind of, affected me." I told him.

The look of relief on his face was apparent.

"I don't want us to stay mad at each other." I said.

"Me either." He replied.

We hugged and I asked him what he wanted for dinner and that I would make whatever just for him. Louis told me Mac an cheese and that it didn't matter what kind. So got started on some of my mothers homemade recipe.

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