My Future Is In These Boys Hands -One Direction FanFic-

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Hey guys!! First FanFic so bear with me. You don't meet Zayn till the next chapter so be patient. Also I am still figuring out how to do chapters and updates and everything. SO VOTE. AND LEAVE COMMENTS. AND LIKING IT WOULD BE A GOOD THING TOO. SO THANK YOU. READ. SHARE. LOVE. FANGIRL.

The boat rocked slowly. I could taste the salty air and the ocean breeze felt amazing swishing through my hair.  

"Don't fall girl. You would die quicker than baby in a minefield.  

"I'll stop when you stop making creepy analogys Uncle".  

He laughed and went to go flirt with the single women on the boat. I turned back to the sparkling sea and smiled wide.  

I was on a small boat going to see the Statue of Liberty for the second time in my life. The boat was special for tourists and held about 20 people. My uncle decided it would be perfect to see since he was visiting from England.  

I had just met him a couple days ago but it felt like I knew him.

You're wondering why I just met him yeah? Well my father (his brother) never wanted me too. My father was a doctor. My mother a lawyer. My whole family was practical and serious. No one believed in creativity. Then there was my uncle. He was estranged from the family for singing, acting, and dancing. The whole 9 yards. He moved to London a couple days after he graduated high school. His parents refused to pay for college so he took community college to get somewhat of an education.  

Now you know his story.  

He suprised us at home. After everything what's explained to me, my uncle asked to take me to New York. I couldn't say no. And didn't want to.  

So we went. We took the 9 hour drive to New York from my small Maine town.  


I loved my uncle first thing. Besides him I was the only creative one. I sung I danced I was the star of all the plays. I was also considerably funny. I thought I was the only one. I sometimes wondered if I was adopted. Knowing I was a little clone of my uncle was great because everyone liked him. He start a conversation with anyone he wanted. If he didn't like a person he would tell them. If he liked them, he would tell them.  

I liked my life. It was nice. A good life.

The boat started to rock.  

But not just from a wave.  

It was shaking. 



I fell to the ground. the ground was hard, but what did I expect? 

I heard screaming,crying,shouting. What was happening? I started to slide. Sliding down the boat. My reflexes kicked in and I sprung off the ground. The boat was sinking. Slowly.  

I rushed to the cabin 20 people stood there in shock and panic. There were about 3 kids, 7, 5 and 9 I guessed.  

"Okay everyone! Okay let's calm and think!" my uncle yelled. "Everyone take a life jacket and get ready to get wet!" 

They complied. I did the same and braced my self. Suddenly I smelled smoke. The kids did too 

"Mommy! Fire smells badd!" 

The youngest yelled as he clutched her hand. Everyone looked to the cabin in unison. The cabin had burst into flames and was spreading. The captain slowly clambered out of the smoke coughing and shaking. I ran to help him up well somebody fetched him a life jacket. We were ready but the captain needed medical attention. The boat was bout to give and we took turns jumping in the water. After everyone was in the cold water my uncle led everyone as far as possible from the boat and closer to land. It seemed like a movie. My uncle was the hero, he saves plenty of civilians from a terrible fate. The boat slipped under the icy blue waves. We floated there in shock. Not really taking in what had just happened. I stared at the place the boat once sat. 

Then. I started crying. All the women joined along with children and me. Some men even shed a couple tears.  

But then I heard a clap. Followed by another. And another, and another. Soon we all joined in a chorus of clapping. Then swam to shore. Anxious to get it of the water.

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