Chapter 5 - My utterly hopeless life

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Chapter 5

My legs buckled and I collapsed to the floor, my head spinning and my heart throbbing. Unseen, with his gun still trained to my head, smirked as struggled to regain my composure. He stared at me, transfixed, and I wandered what my punishment would be this time. I hardly survived the last one alone, and that was just for using a stupid laptop. What would he do to me for this?

Guiltily, I looked at him in the eyes, my head cowering at his intense gaze. He was angry. He was furious. There was nothing I could do apart from take whatever punishment was coming for me.

Unseen looked bewildered, and unsure of what to do next. His bottom lip flinched, like he was about to say something but then thought better of it.

“I’m sorry,” I said eventually, very quietly.

“Stand up,” Unseen replied. I was surprised by the lack of anger in his voice. It sounded pretty normal to me. It was at times like now that I wish I could tell what he was thinking.

Digging the palms of my hands into the ground, I pushed myself up until I was in a crouching position. From there, with my legs still trembling awfully, I rose more until I was stood normally. My eyes didn’t once flicker away from Unseen, and to my surprise, after I stood up completely, he very slowly lowered his gun and then beckoned me forward with his hand. I hesitated for a moment before slowly stumbling towards him, shaking.

“I’m sorry,” I repeated, feeling that it might help.

“Keep walking,” Unseen told me fiercely and I did until I was right in front of him.

Suddenly, his thick gloved hand grabbed my wrist tightly and I jumped, trying to pull it away. Unseen’s teeth were clamped together in a firm expression of anger.

“Let go,” I begged, my voice high and squeaky. Unseen ignored this one and began to pace toward the van, dragging me along with him. I dug my heel into the ground, trying to stop him from succeeding but he was too strong and I ended up almost falling over. We reached the van and it my dismay we went round to the back of the car. Where was he going to ship me off to now?

“No,” I begged, tears already forming in my eyes so that my vision was blurry. “Please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

“It’s too late to apologise,” Unseen said, and then wrapped both off his arms around my waist and lifting me off the ground. I struggled, kicking and screaming, as the doors at the back of the van flew open. My heart pounded and I began to scream.

“HELP! HELP!” I bellowed as loud as I could, twisting and turning my body in retaliation. Unseen, horrified, cupped his hand around my mouth and my cries became muffled. It couldn’t end like this. There had to be another way.

And that’s when I bit him. I bit straight through his glove into his hand.

“Sh*t,” he screaked, yanking his hand away and staring at me in disgust. I started screaming again but he literally threw me into the back of the van, jumping in after. Seconds after, he seemed to forget that I’d just bitten him, because he tore off his gloves to reveal is pale white skin. I stopped screaming and scrambled backwards until I was up against a wall, as far away from my kidnapper as I could get. Grabbing some thick brown rope at the sides of the van, he approached me slowly, already knowing that I was no longer going to struggle.

“Good,” he said as he pulled my hands out from behind my back and I didn’t retaliate. “Just stay like this.”

He knelt down, resting his shin over my legs so that I couldn’t suddenly go mad and escape. I accepted it since I had no other choice. Instead of tying my hands together, he got the first piece of rope and tied it around my left wrist, then going and connecting the other end of the rope of a strong metal hook connected to the far wall of the van so that my hand was suspended in the air and I couldn’t pull it away. My mouth hung open in a terrified gasp. I didn’t know what do to, or what was going to happen to me.

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