Chapter 13 - Answers

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As soon as the words were said my heart pounded and I lurched forwards, sprinting towards the main entrance of the hospital. Ember ran after me.

“You know where the file rooms are?” she called. I nodded.

“Yeah,” I shouted. “You told me.”

I crashed into the doors, throwing them open and sharply turning to the left. The people inside paid no attention to me. They couldn’t see me.

The door was in sight, and as I pushed it open it creaked. It was far too heavy, probably made of metal and I struggled to open it completely. Yet, I managed to slip inside and I found myself in a small dark room.

“3 minutes and 35 seconds,” Dallas barked into the radio. I jumped.

“I’m in,” I spoke back. Ember spoke next.

“Ok,” she said, pleased. “Search everywhere. In all the draws. They keep all their records of births in date order so have a look for November, 1998.”

“Uh, ok,” I muttered, rushing across the floor and looking at all the draws. Each draw had a year on it, and it started from 1967 and went right up until the present. It too me only a few seconds to skip back to 1998, and I pulled the draw open.

“3 minutes and 15 seconds,” Dallas nagged into the radio. I didn’t answer. I was too busy.

The file was filled with folders which contained even more folders. I flicked through each one until I came across a folder that said ‘November births’ on it and I plucked that folder out of the draw before closing it and laying the folder on the top of the draws.

I ripped it open to be confronted with even more folders, apart from these ones were transparent and small. There were at least 80 folders in there. I was surprised they all fit.

“Come on Skylar,” Ember barked into the radio. “Have you found anything yet.”

“I’ve found a folder,” I told her quickly. “With all the births in November inside.”

“Well get our files quickly then get out of here,” she told me. “Dallas, how long does she have left?”

“2 minutes and 50 seconds,” Dallas hissed. “Come on Skylar.”

“Alright, alright. Just let me concentrate.”

I took out the first sheet of paper and read it quietly in my head.

Christopher Hawkins

Born 1st of November, 12.01am.

Eye colour – Blue

Hair colour – Blond

Mother – Lottie Hawkins

Father – Billy Hawkins

This wasn’t helping. I looked quickly at the next couple, but I couldn’t find out files.

“Have you got it Skylar?” Ember asked, sounding rushed and anxious.

“No,” I replied. “They don’t seem to have our files there.

“Well then look.”

“I’ve looked.”

“Look again.”

“Girls,” Dallas interrupted. “There just 1 minutes and 45 seconds left. You better hurry.”

“Look in another draw,” Ember ordered and I did.

I put down the current folder I was holding and searched the room from top to bottom. I didn’t know where to look. Unless the files had been mixed up, then they didn’t have any of us.

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