Chapter One

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Chapter One

Niall’s Point of View

Ugh, it’s my first day back at this school in two weeks, I don’t want to be back, I wanted to stay in my warm, safe bed this morning. Mum wouldn’t let me though, she says its time to come back and face the school again before I fall too far behind in my coursework. But let the record show, I am not looking forward to this.

“Niall!” I turn around to search for the person who called my name and see one of my only two friends Liam running towards me with a huge grin on his face. “Where have you been?!” he shouts as he pulled me into one of his famous bone crushing bear hugs.

“i… I uhm…” I stuttered over my words trying to think of an excuse for why I haven’t been to school for two weeks. Shit. I knew I should have thought one up before coming back. Just then the warning bell sounds and I take a sigh of relief.

“Oh well, you’ll have to tell me later okay? Lets get to class so you’re not late now that you’re back!” he says smiling and looping his arm through mine. I smile, that’s what Liam’s like, when he smiles or laughs, you can’t help but do the same. I knew that he would soon be asking me about my absence again so I started to run through some good, believable lies in my head, bad idea. I wasn’t watching where I was going and soon enough, I bumped into someone and their books fell to the ground. I turned around to apologize, but before I could I was shoved into the locker wall.

I winced in pain as I hit the solid surface. “Watch where you’re going, FAG!” the guy shouted in my face. I gulped and looked up to see myself pinned to the wall by none other than the infamous Zayn Malik. He’s been torturing me for the past three years of school, ever since he moved here freshman year. I don’t know what I ever did to him to make him hate me so much, but its been like this since day one.

“Are you even listening to me you stupid homo?!” He yelled pushing me harder into the lockers. Tears began to prick at my eyes when I felt a pain shoot through my left arm that he was holding tightly against the wall. “What poor little homo is gonna cry now?” he asked loudly, his friend Louis chuckled next to him and Liam shot him a glare.

“Come on Zayn, leave him alone..” Liam tried to help. I appreciate him always standing up for me and everything, I know that he’s doing it because he cares, but sometimes I wish he wouldn’t. I know that if he would just ditch me as a friend, his life would be easier to deal with.

“What is he your boyfriend now or something Payne?” Zayn hissed back. Great, now they’re going to hurt him too, and it will be all my fault.

“So little homo,” Zayn said bringing his attention back to me. “I’ve missed my little punching back for the past few weeks, where’va been huh?” He asked. It wouldn’t matter what I told him, I knew that him and his friends were just going to come up with some other stupid reason they thought I was gone anyways so I decided to just keep my mouth shut. He raised his arm, hand in a fist and I knew what was going to happen next, so I closed my eyes and waited for the pain.

I was surprised when the pain didn’t come though, as soon as my eyes closed, instead of his fist connecting with my face, he was pulled away from me. I opened my eyes slowly, kind of afraid to see what happened.

“Listen here you big bully, and listen closely because I will only be saying this once. You don’t touch blondie, you don’t hurt blondie, you don’t talk to blondie, hell I don’t even want to see you LOOKING at blondie here. Got it?” I hear the tall boy say to him. Zayn doesn’t respond, he’s just standing there with his mouth open in shock. “I SAID DO YOU GOT THAT?!” the boy shouted in Zayn’s face, making him flinch back in fear. Wow, I’ve never seen him scared of anyone before. He nodded furiously before grabbing his bag and running off with Louis.

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