Chapter Eleven

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*Author's Note: Hey guys, I know I made a liar of myself yet again by saying that I would update w couple of weeks ago and then not doing it. I was having trouble with my maths class BUT as of tomorrow I won't have anything stopping me from writing anymore because my classes will FINALLY be over!! Woohoo! Anyways I've been up all night trying to put something together for you guys and I know its short and it really sucks, but here's a small UPDATE for you guys! I hope you enjoy it! Remember to comment and vote! :) I love you guys<3 :) *

Chapter 11

Harry's Point of View

I turned the heat on full blast to warm him up faster. "H-h-harry…" I heard him whisper.


"Yeah Blondie?"


"Thank you…" He said looking down at his lap.


"For what?" I asked confused.


"For saving me tonight…" he stated before the next set of tears made their way from his eyes.

Within minutes of me beginning to drive, Niall had fallen asleep. I didn't want to wake him and I remembered where he lived from earlier today when I dropped him off at his house so I started in that direction. As we pulled up to his house I put the car in park and gently shook his shoulder.

"Blondie.. hey, we're here, you need to wake up love…" I said in a soft voice. His eyes began to flutter open and I noticed a small smile appear on his face as he opened his eyes and saw me there. He turned his head to look out the window and that smile immediately disappeared and I saw a look of sadness flash in his eyes.

"Oh… we're here.." he said and I swear I heard disappointment in his voice as he realized that we were at his house.

"You fell asleep as soon as I started driving, this is your house, right? I tried to remember where I dropped you this afternoon. Did I get the wrong address?" I asked him as I started to grow worried that I was at the wrong house.

"No.. this is my house, its just… I…" he began stuttering.

"Come on Blondie, you can tell me anything okay, what's wrong?"

He looked down at his lap and mumbled "I was hoping that you weren't going to bring me back here, I'm sorry. I know that I must sound like a complete idiot but my parents don't seem to care about anything except what happened and my brother just straight up hates everything about me I was late coming home because he forgot to pick me up and of course I was the one who got yelled at! Its like I can't do anything to please them!" he was nearly shouting towards the end of his rant. I could tell that this was bothering him.

I noticed that tears were rolling down his face so I leaned over and gently wiped them away.

Niall's Point of View

 I just blurted out everything that happened when I got home which probably made me sound like the biggest cry-baby in the world and to top it all off now I can't stop the tears from coming! Harry must think that I am so pathetic!

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt him reach over and wipe away the tears that had fallen.

"Oh Niall… I am so sorry that you had to go through that.." he said softly. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I burst out sobbing. He pulled me into a tight hug and I just cried into his chest.

"Sometimes I wish that I had died when I attempted to…. it seems to be what everyone wants…" I mumbled thinking that Harry wouldn't even be able to hear me.

I was clearly wrong because the minute the words came out of my mouth he gasped and pulled away from me looking me straight in the eye.

"Niall, don't you ever think like that! Think about this, if you hadn't survived, I wouldn't have gotten to meet you today. I wouldn't have you in my life. Niall I know I sound stupid because I barely know you but after everything that I've witnessed with you since this morning, I can't imagine what it would be like to not know you!" he sobbed and hugged me tight again.

When he finally pulled back he started the car and began to drive down the road.

"Uh, Harry, where are we going?" I questioned confused.

"You clearly don't want to spend the night with your family so I'm bringing you home with me tonight. You can spend the night at mine. Okay?" He said with a smile.

I didn't want to be a burden on anyone, I was already a handful on my parents, I didn't want his parents to have to deal with me too…

"But what about your parents? I don't want to impose on them, I mean they don't even know me!" I said worried.

"Ni, calm down. It's just me and my mum and she actually just left for a business trip, she doesn't even know when she will be coming back. Its no bother, besides, I want you with me tonight so I can make sure that you're okay." He assured me.

"Okay, I guess that's fine then. Thank you again Harry…" I couldn't help but keep saying thank you to him. I don't even think he realizes how many times he has helped me in just the past day… I couldn't help but think that maybe my life is taking a turn for the better, all thanks to this curly haired boy…

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