Chapter Eight

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(A/N: Hey guys! I know, I suck for making you all wait so long for this! But I hope this makes up for the wait! I think this is longer than usual, if not, i'm sorry, I tried :/ But you get to find out everything about Zayn! Woohoo! Rememeber to vote and comment! I hope you all like it!)

Chapter eight

Zayn’s Point of View

This can’t be happening. That’s all that kept repeating in my head as I ran from the building. As I got outside it hit me that I don’t have anywhere to go. I guess I could always run to Louis’ house, but he’d want to goof around and have fun and I’m really not in the mood for his stupid jokes right now. I just need some time to clear my head and get my thoughts together.

Shit. I have my individual appointment in an hour anyways! I know that I’m gonna get chewed out by Gracie the minute that I get there too. She’s going to grill me about why I ran out of there like that earlier. How am I going to explain to her that the person that Niall was talking about was me? What will she say when she finds out that I have been bullying him for years?! Great, she’s probably going to kick me out of the group!

I can’t believe he tried to kill himself. I can’t believe he would do that just because I give him a hard time at school… am I really that horrible? I… I thought I was protecting him…

I couldn’t handle my thoughts anymore; they were overwhelming me as I dropped to the ground and started bawling. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I’ve been hiding my feelings for years. I can’t keep doing this! It isn’t fair!

My phone buzzed reminding me that my meeting with Gracie was starting in about 10 minutes. I grabbed my stuff and started running as fast as I could back to the building knowing that she was already upset that I walked out and being late wouldn’t make things any better.

As I got to the building heard what sounded like someone crying, I turned the corner and saw a familiar head of blonde hair sitting on the front steps with his face in his hands. Niall. Suddenly he clutched his chest and started breathing really heavy. I knew immediately what’s happening. He’s having a panic attack.

What do I do? I know how hard it is to get through one on your own, but I have a feeling that the reason he’s having it is because of me and what I put him through. As I was debating whether or not to go up to him and say something someone else beat me to it.

“Niall?” the person asked. Great, it’s that curly haired kid from this morning. What is he doing here?! Why are him and Niall suddenly so close now?

I stood there for a few minutes hoping that they would leave so I could get in to the building, but when I saw curly sit down next to him I realized that they’re probably not going anywhere any time soon. I quickly made my way to the back entrance to the building hoping that I wasn’t too late for my meeting.

“Ah! Mr. Malik. I see you decided to attend at least part of today’s meetings. Have a seat!” Gracie said harshly when I entered her office with a knock. Great. I knew she was going to be upset.

“Care to explain to me what happened today that made you run out of the room? And while you’re at it, why don’t you tell me why the new boy Niall didn’t want to work with you for partners today.” She said as I took a seat in front of her desk.

Great, I was hoping she wouldn’t ask that last question. “Well… Uhm…” I started nervously. “It’s kind of a long story. I’m not sure where to start.”

“Why don’t you start at why you ran out of the earlier meeting?” She said calmly trying to help.

“I-I ran out because…” I started “Because the person that Niall was talking about who bullies him at school is me…” I said but before I could even finish the sentence I was already crying.

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