Chapter Four

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(A/N: Holy shit guys! This book is up to 171 views! That's so cool! I never thought that people would actually read my stuff! Anyways; I am so so so sorry for making you all wait so long for an update, school has been insane and I've had some personal issues too. I know this chapter is short, but everything has died down a bit in my life now and I will be updating with another chapter in the next couple of days! And I promise it will be LONG! Enjoy!)

Chapter Four

Harry’s Point of View

I walked over to the counter where he had pointed and saw his phone sitting there with huge cracks going in all directions on the screen. I started laughing at the idea of him throwing a fit and chucking his phone against something. “So, blondie, wanna tell me what your phone got in a fight against?” I joked after picking it up.

“The wall.” He told me simply, as if it was something that was normal. That’s when I burst out laughing; I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I started walking back over to where he was sitting on the edge of the table and I saw him move his hand to move his hair away from his eyes. I saw something smear across his forehead and I couldn’t help laughing at the sight.

I turned around and grabbed a wet napkin from near the sink and moved back over to where Niall was. I was still looking at his forehead. “What is it? Do I have something on my head?” he asked full of worry. And I couldn’t contain another fit of laughter. I gently rubbed the napkin across his forehead wiping everything away.

“You just smeared a little blood on your head.” I explained smiling. I put down the napkin and I noticed how beautiful he really was. I know, that sounds strange, calling a boy beautiful. But if you saw Niall, you’d think the same thing too. His big blue eyes that I swear I could look into forever, just everything about him was perfect. I reached up and cupped his face in my hands.

“H-h-harry?” he stuttered nervously.

I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t quite trust how my voice would come out so I just replied with a “Hm?” still staring at his face.

I noticed his cheeks start to blush and my instincts took over before my brain could process what I was doing and I began to lean in closer to him. Our faces getting closer and closer, it felt like those scenes in the movies where everything is moving in slow motion.

My eyes fluttered closed. At this point I didn’t care if I just met this beautiful boy a few hours ago, he trusted me with his biggest secret, something he hadn’t even told his best friend yet. No one had ever trusted me like that before. I want this. I want to kiss Niall.

Just as our lips were about to meet, the door flew open. “Dear, why are your trays of food sitting in the hallway? Oh my!” I heard the cheery voice of the nurse spread through the room and I jumped back pulling my hands away from Niall’s face.

“I’ll just go take care of these, carry on boys!” She spoke quickly grabbing the food and running back out of the room, closing the door behind her. Well, that wasn’t strange at all.

I looked back to Niall, his face was bright red and his eyes were wide open as if he was in shock. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I burst out laughing hysterically.

He glared at me. “What’s so funny about what just happened?! That was so embarrassing! Did you see how she reacted to that?! God I don’t even know what to do right now. What if she-“

“Niall. Calm down! It’s not like anything was happening. It’s almost time for classes to let out for the day, would you like a ride home? I’ve got my car out front.” I cut him off; he was rambling and worrying about nothing. Yeah, I was completely disappointed that our almost kiss was interrupted but if it’s meant to happen, it will. And if I have anything to do with it, it will happen soon. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at the thought.

Niall’s Point of View

“Niall. Calm down! It’s not like anything was happening. It’s almost time for classes to let out for the day, would you like a ride home? I’ve got my car out front.” Harry asked hopefully. I felt the disappointment grow inside me, I thought that we were about to kiss before we got interrupted. But Harry’s recent words keep replying in my head ‘it’s not like anything was happening’ Figures, I knew he seemed too good to be true there’s no way that this guy likes me. He’s probably not even gay.

Shit, he just asked me a question and I haven’t responded, “I’m sorry, what was the question?”

“Would you like a ride home? My car is out front…” He repeated. God I wish I could just spend more time with him.

“I’m sorry, my brother Greg is supposed to come pick me up. I have a… err... well I have a group therapy appointment.” I explained and immediately saw his hopeful face fade.

“Oh… okay… well, maybe another time?” He started walking to the door to leave. “I guess I’ll see you around then? You’ve got my number so just call or text me if you need anything. Bye Niall.” He said opening the door and stepping out.

“Wait! Harry!” I shouted before he could close it and walk away. He turned back around and raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Yes?” He asked.

“W-would you like to wait with me until my brother comes?” I asked hoping to spend more time with him. I just wasn’t ready to let go of this curly haired boy quite yet.

He nodded his head with a smile and held out his hand to help me up and we walked to the front steps of the school to wait for Greg to get here.

Secrets: A Ziall/Narry Fanfic{SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now