Chapter Six

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(A/N: Hey guys! I am SO SO SO Sorry that it has taken me this long to update! I suck at this I know! I've had finals in university lately and then when i sat down to write was the day I ended up catching some bug that must be going around! Well school is out until January here so I PROMISE that updates will be happening either every day or every other day! Please forgive me?)

Chapter Six

Niall’s Point of View

This can’t be happening. This cannot be happening. No. This isn’t happening. I raised my hand quickly “Gracie! Is there maybe anyone else that I could be partnered with? I don’t feel comfortable in this situation.”

“I’m sorry Niall, but everyone else is already started working on the exercise. And since Mr. Malik here was late, unfortunately he is the only one available for me to have partnered with you.” She explained sadly.

I could feel the tears pricking my eyes and the familiar itch on my wrists that let me know that my body wanted my blade.

Don’t cry Niall. Don’t cry. You can’t let him see you cry.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone loudly clearing their throat. I looked up only to be met with the harsh glare of him, Zayn. And he didn’t look happy at all.

“Yeah?” I asked slightly annoyed with the fact that he was even here. Mum promised me that this would be a safe place for me to be able to talk about everything going on with me. She never mentioned that the guy who made me try to kill myself would be in the same group as me. Which makes me wonder, why the hell is he even here in the first place?

“Look I don’t want to be near you any more than you want to be near me, but like Ms. G said, we’re stuck with each other, so we might as well try to get through today, I’ve got my individual meeting after this and I’ll get her to switch me because I really don’t want to be stuck with you any longer than I have to. Get it? Got it? Good.” He stated sternly. God I hate this guy.

“Okay everyone!” I heard Gracie’s voice ring through the room, “I know you’re all probably not done with this but I need everyone to move back into the circle so we can move on to the group sharing for today.”

I didn’t know what exactly ‘group sharing’ was but I honestly didn’t want to find out.

So it turns out that group sharing is a chance for everyone to go around the room and talk about things that have happened since the last group meeting. Some people were sharing really good things; others had some not so good things that they wanted to talk about.

Amanda was the one to start again, she told the group that she was currently two weeks clean from cutting, which was the longest that she had ever been. I know that’s got to be hard, ever since I started self-harming, I haven’t been able to go more than a day without it. In a way I guess it’s kind of like an addiction.

Becky, the girl who refused to say anything earlier when she introduced herself, tried to say that nothing happened since the last meeting in her life. But Gracie didn’t let her get out of sharing, I guess there’s a rule that during the group share, everyone has to share something about their week, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem.

As time passed and more people shared their piece about their week my heart started racing as it got closer to my turn. I hate speaking in front of groups like this; it always makes me feel like everyone is just judging me for everything that I say. And to make matters worse, I feel like everything that I say, Zayn is just going to use against me the moment we run into each other at school. I’m not ready to have my secret out to the school yet.

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