Chapter Nine

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(A/n: As promised, here is Chapter Nine! I hope everyone is having a great start to 2014! I know this chapter is a little short, but I hope you like it! I will try to update again tomorrow! :) Remember to comment what you want to happen and I might try to add it into the story!)

Chapter Nine

Zayn’s Point of View

“After everything that happened back then, everything that you went through, and what happened to Luke, why would you bully Niall the way that you do?” she was confused, I could tell.

I didn’t quite understand my thought process on what I was doing either. It didn’t make any sense now that I think about it. But I told her the truth.

“I thought I was protecting him…”

She was silent for a minute or two as if she didn’t quite know how to respond to what I had said.

“Want to explain that a little more Zayn? I don’t quite understand how that would be protecting him…” she asked quietly.

I knew that this question was coming, but I guess I was just holding on to the hope that she might not ask it. “I-I-I guess in my mind, after everything that happened with Luke I felt that it was my fault, if I hadn’t fallen in love with him, If he hadn’t been at my house that day, if my dad hadn’t hurt us.. Then he would still be alive and happy... his life wouldn’t have been ruined if he had never gotten close to me…”

“I understand that part Zayn, what I don’t understand is how bullying Niall would be protecting him.” She pushed for more information.

“Well, when I first got to my new school I didn’t have any friends. People kind of avoided me, looking at the way that I dressed and acted I guess they were probably afraid of me. But that’s exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want anyone to get close to me. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt because of me. I got in trouble for mouthing off in class one day and the teacher gave me a detention. Which is how I met Louis.”  As I began to explain it, I couldn’t help but remember my first few weeks at school…


It was about a week after I had met Louis in detention and we had gotten pretty close. He was dating this girl Eleanor and he’s been trying to set me up with her friend Perrie. I couldn’t help but think that this would be absolutely perfect. I didn’t have to worry about what happened with Luke happening again if I could find a girlfriend to cover everything up! Plus it would also make my dad happy with me finally being normal.

I was on my way to the cafeteria to meet up with everyone when my phone buzzed, I looked down at it to read the message, but before I could even open it to see who it was from I bumped into someone who was going in the opposite direction and we both went flying to the ground with a thud.

“OH my god, I am so sorry, are you okay? I wasn’t looking where I was going! I am so sorry!” the boy I had run into started rambling. I just smiled at him as I stood up.

“Hey man, it’s no problem; I wasn’t watching where I was going either. It’s no body’s fault!” I explained as I reached out a hand to help this kid up.

“I’m Zayn; I’m kind of new here.” I introduced myself after we were both to our feet.

“I’m Niall…” he explained and I finally got a good look at him. He kind of reminded me of Luke; they both had the same shy, quirky personality.

“Well it’s nice to meet you. I’m actually on my way to the cafeteria for lunch. Would you like to join my friends and me?” I offered hoping it would make him seem a little less nervous.

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