Chapter Three

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(A/N: I am so so so sorry for not updating more! I have had an awful week and I know that's no excuse. I tried to make this update extra long to make up for it and I promise I will be updating again tomorrow night too!)

Chapter Three

Niall’s Point of View

I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I know the door flies open and I shot up, getting dizzy again. “Oh, I’m sorry dear; I didn’t mean to startle you. Lie back down again before you fall.” The nurse said softly. I lay back onto the pillow again and tried to relax. I tried to turn onto my side but was stopped when I rolled into something… or should I say someone.

“Harry?!” I said, probably louder than necessary. I guess I just didn’t expect him to still be here. I would have thought that he would have left to get to his classes; today was his first day after all.

“Shhh. I’m trying to sleep here. And you’re not helping with your loud yelling. Close your mouth and lay back down Blondie.” He demanded without even opening his eyes. I couldn’t help but chuckle at him.

“I don’t mean to interrupt,” I heard the nurse say quietly, Harry sat up slowly. “But the lunch bell is about to sound. Niall dear, you’re still not well enough to leave, but your friend here could go get you food and bring it back here if he’s willing. And of course he could join you and eat in here if you’d like.” She offered.

“Do you want that?” Harry asked quietly. I just nodded. He stood up and stretched his arms over his head and I couldn’t help but admire how fit he is. “You’re drooling, Blondie” I heard him chuckle. I looked up and he was smirking at me. Oh god, how embarrassing!

“No… I… uh... I wasn’t…” I stuttered nervously bowing my head in shame.

“It’s okay; you’re not bad looking yourself.” He replied smirking again before heading for the door. I couldn’t help but blush at the compliment even though I know he was just saying it to be nice. I’m not attractive at all. My stomach is squidgy, my teeth have these stupid braces on them and my face is just a disaster. And don’t get me started on the rest of my body.

I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks as I began to think about how ugly my body is. Sure if you look at it with clothes on, it doesn’t seem that bad, but no one knows what’s hiding underneath. Harry might think I’m attractive now, but what would happen when he saw the scars and cuts lining my legs or the burn marks that cover my stomach? Hell what am I even saying; he’s never going to see that anyways. He’s just being nice to the dorky kid he saved this morning. I curled my knees up to my chest and started sobbing again.

My sobs are interrupted by a buzzing in my pocket. I pull out my phone to see I have a new text message.

From: Mum

Niall, don't forget that your brother is picking you up today. You have your first Group Therapy appointment this afternoon! Love you, Mum.

I don't even bother responding. I don't want to go to that stupid group. She's making me go. It’s literally a group therapy session for teenagers who have thought about or attempted suicide. Just what I need, to be locked in a room for an hour with a bunch of other screwed up kids. I start getting angry at the thought and before I can stop myself I throw my phone as hard as I can against the wall. I hear it shatter which only causes me to start sobbing again.

I decide to get up to go look at the damage I did to my screen. When I pick it up, I can't even see anything on the screen because of how many cracks are going through it. I sigh and put it down on the counter. That's when something shiny catches my eye. I glance over and see a pair of scissors sitting there.

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