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Town square is just as dreary from the stage as it is from the street, and much more than last year. Last year we didn't know what these kids were getting into. I didn't know what I was getting into. The Hunger Games: a brutal fight to the death between children ages 12-18, even more terrifying than it sounds.

The kids shuffle in each stride slower than the last. Each face in despair, yet a shred of hope that they won't be picked peeks through. This year they announced that your name can be put in multiple times to receive tesserae, a year's worth of grain and oil for one person. It's easy to tell which kids have opted for the tesserae; they have sunken faces and their eyes are on one thing, the bowl on the stage that holds their fate. Occasionally their eyes flicker to Tullis, the woman that could draw their name, that could sentence them to torture and death.

I spot Vixen in the crowd. She gives a smile that holds no light. I don't return it, she knows why. I find my family next. Trinks is held by my mother. She looks around still not in total understanding of everything that's happening. My father has his arm around Scotch, who has his eyes on Chester. Chester files in with the rest of the twelve year olds, his eyes don't wander in fear like the others. Chester has always been smart for his age, his eyes scan the crowd, calculating something beyond me.

I sit next to Tullis in a hard wooden chair. I reach up to fiddle with my hair, but there's none there. I keep forgetting that's it's cut even though it's been short for a year. I pick at my new dress instead, but Tullis quickly bats at my hands.

"You'll ruin it."

"Is it time yet?"

She looks out past the crowd to the line of potential tributes still making their way in. "We have to wait until everyone is here."

I stare at the line as it dwindles. After five minutes the last kid passes into the crowd and finds his age group. Tullis receives a nod from a peacekeeper and stands, her tall purple hair nearly causing her to topple over. She taps the mic and the sound startles the audience.

"Hello District 11 and welcome to the Second Annual Hunger Games!" The crowd is silent. "We have a message from the Capitol." Tullis turns toward a screen as the anthem begins.

Images of the war take up the screen and they slowly turn to images of peace. Fake pictures of the Districts and the Capitol in harmony follow, the actors much too cheerful. The music fades and President Dane's voice can be heard.

"The Capitol and the Districts, not separate, but one. This is our goal, and to remind you of that goal we have devised the Hunger Games. That Capitol has protected you, clothed you, given you sustenance, and most importantly love."

I scoff and get a few looks from peacekeepers that I can tell are dangerous even with their helmets on..

"As this Second Annual Hunger Games comes around please keep this in mind." Dane smiles and I want to leap through the screen and rip out his throat. If only it could be that easy.

The screen goes blank and Tullis returns to the mic. No one else shares her smile. "Wasn't that lovely?" When nothing happens she moves on. "Alright shall we start with the girls?" Tullis walks to the left side of the stage and reaches a hand in. "Sybille Wellwood."

Not Vixen is the first thought through my mind. A girl emerges and stumbles onto the stage, her long, thin hair trailing behind her. Her eyes dart around then land on Tullis, who smiles.

"Now the boys," Tullis says into the mic as she passes it. She brushes several papers with her fingertips and for a moment I can see hesitation in those fingers. She grabs onto one. "Fergus Elestren."

Not Chester. The boys in the fifteen year olds part for a scrawny, dark skinned boy. He reaches the stage and shakes hands with Sybille. Tullis returns to the mic. "Happy Hunger Games!"

We exit the stage and I go into a room and wait for my family. I'm allowed to say goodbye to them once more.

Aldera. Trinks smiles when she sees me. I scoop her off the floor and hold her despite the fact that she's getting too big for this.

I smile at her and spin around and she laughs. "Alright down you go."

Are you leaving again? she signs when I put her on the ground.

I swallow and sign back to her as I speak. "Yeah, I am, but don't worry. I'll be back before you know it."


"I promise."

Chester enters the room, most likely he had to fight through the crowd to get here. "You made it!" Mom and I chorus, then laugh. Sometimes I'm surprised I can still laugh.

"I knew I would since my name was only in once." That was one perk of me being the victor, the Capitol gave us a house and plenty of money for food and clothes.

"Of course you did." Dad ruffles his hair. The attention in the room turns back to me.

Chester embraces me. "See you soon sis."

Scotch crushes me in a hug next. "Scotch, I'm coming back." I say with the rest of my breath.

"Right, sorry." He moves away and makes room for Dad.

"Good luck sweetheart."

"Thank you, Dad." He hugs me briefly and then it's Mom's turn. She already has tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Mom."

"You be careful," she says into my shoulder. Then she turns to the rest of the family. "Group hug?"

"Group hug." We all join in and squeeze each other until the peacekeeper comes to break us apart.

"I love you guys. I'll be back in a few weeks."

"Love you," they each say.

I follow the peacekeeper and meet up with Tullis. The tributes show up a few moments later, both with red eyes. I give them each a sad smile and lead the way to the train station. I take a deep breath before walking onto the train. This train will take me back to the place that haunts my dreams, my nightmares. The Capitol.

The new tributes follow behind me. I don't know either of them, and I hope I don't get to know them either. At least one of them will die and I've already seen too much death.

"This is the dining car," Tullis is saying. "Your rooms are just down that hall, but we'll eat before you see them." Their eyes sparkle at the table piled a foot high with delicacies.

"This is enough food to feed an army," the girl says, she can't be older than fourteen.

"Don't eat too much," I say as we sit down. "I know it's hard, but you don't want to get sick." I eat just enough food to satisfy me and then look around the train car. I remember when I first came into this place, my mentor Rye isn't here anymore. They decided that victors from previous games would be best to help the tributes. But I'm the only victor.

It has nothing to do with the tributes, though. It's the Capitol's game. They're showing the districts that even if you win the hunger games, the capitol still owns you. You never truly win.

Avoxes come clean up when we're done. I'm both relieved and disappointed that Talon isn't one of them. I haven't seen him since I left the Capitol and I was hoping to see him when I came back. The train would be the safest place because there isn't a ton of cameras or peacekeepers; in the Capitol there's a big risk of being caught. Dane will be watching me very carefully.

We watch the other reapings and nothing stands out. There aren't any volunteers and no one looks particularly strong or trained. I excuse myself as soon as it's done, telling the tributes to get as much sleep as they can, and retreat to my room.

Hi everyone! So here it is the first chapter of the sequel, what do you think any predictions right of the bat? Do you think Aldera will be a good mentor? And what do you think happened to Talon? Tell me your thoughts in the comments and please give this chapter a vote if you liked it! Thanks for reading!

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