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Fergus and Sybille don't eat anything on the day of the individual sessions. They sit and stare at the table. Tullis attempts for conversation, but gives up when they only give one word answers.

They both did well in their interviews and I know the audience enjoyed them. They were both charming and confident, but so were a lot of the other tributes.

"Guys," I say after a minute and they look up for the first time. "Don't worry so much about this. The numbers don't determine how you'll do in the games."

"You didn't see some of the other tributes." Fergus swallows. "It looks as if they had been training for the past year."

"And there's definitely alliances forming between all the tributes in District 1 and 2." Sybille almost reaches for a bite of food, but then her hand flies to her stomach instead.

"You got an eight didn't you? That was one of the highest numbers last year."

"The highest number you can get is twelve and eight isn't close to that, and neither is nine, which was the highest number from last year. You guys told me you've learned a lot in the past couple days."

"Not enough to get good scores." Fergus looks down at the table again.

"Listen, if you guys get fives or above then you should be fine. Now eat something." I give them both stern looks and they finally put some food in their mouths. We finish eating a few minutes later.

"We should probably get you guys going," Tullis says as she stands. "We don't want you to be late."

We enter the elevator and ride down in silence. They're about to leave but I stop them. "Don't forget your strengths that we talked about and all the things you learned. Show them as much as possible." Sybille runs back and gives me a hug. "Good luck," I say.

"Thank you." They join the other tributes in waiting and Tullis and I get back on the elevator.

"So," Tullis begins. "I've been thinking about this party we're going to have and we really should start planning it more. I mean after tonight the games start. Now I've already sent out invitations-"

"Who did you invite?" We reach floor eleven and step out.

Tullis makes her way to the couch. "Oh, just the people you met the other day at the Twist and a few others. Don't worry it will be a small party. What I really need your help with is the decorations. Now we said we were going to decorate like District 11 and I've only been there a couple times and, well, nobody ever gave me a tour, but you've lived there your whole life."

"Yes, yes, okay. I'll help you get decorations." I plop down next to her. "Anything else?"

"Yes. I wanted to give everyone who comes a little piece of apparel to represent District 11. I've looked into some shirts, but they're all just too drab. Do you have any ideas?"

I turn away and roll my eyes. "How about hats?"

"Hats," she repeats, not entirely convinced.

"Or... bracelets."

"Oh! I like the idea of bracelets. We could have 11 charms on it for District 11. It's perfect!" She stands. "I'll go order them while we wait, but I expect your help ordering District 11 decor. Katri sent me the name of her decorator and we need to book her soon, otherwise we won't be able to get her."

I nod. "Yes. Don't worry we can do it later, after we watch how the tributes did."

"Good idea." She goes off to her room.

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