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Talon jumps out of the boat, making a splash in the water. He grabs the front of the boat and pulls it onto the shore. I hop out too and tie the rope to a nearby tree. Talon grabs our bags and hands one to me without a word. He looks at the compass and takes off.

I scrunch my eyebrows but follow him. Was it something I said? No, it can't be. We haven't spoken much since before the storm. Does he regret kissing me? And why did he kiss me in the first place? Does he remember? No, he would've said if he remembered.

Lost in my thoughts, I trip over a root, barely catching myself before I face-plant. Talon turns around and I stand up quickly.

You okay? I nod and brush myself off. He nods and continues on.

Okay, something's definitely off. "Ta—" a rock sails through the air, barely missing Talon's head. "Get down!"

We crouch close to the ground as another rock comes flying. Soon more and more soar from different directions. One hits my leg and I cry out in pain. Whoever these people are, they know how to throw a rock.

Is 13 seriously attacking us? Talon signs. I thought they knew we were coming?

"They do."

They need to see you.

"How do we know they'll stop? How will they recognize me?"

He shrugs. It's worth a try.

I stand up slowly, staying close to a tree. "Stop!" I shout. "My name is Aldera Clearwater. I'm the victor of the First Annual Hunger Games! Rye Wildtide sent me!"

The rocks stop momentarily and I hear whispering. I try to make out what they're saying, but fail. "Who's with you?" a male voice asks.

I look down at Talon. "Stand up," I tell him. "This is Talon, an avox that escaped from the Capitol with me!"

"Talon Lowfall?" the voice asks.

Talon nods and I say, "Yes."

I hear bushes rustling and then a boy with curly brown hair that's our same age appears. Talon's mouth breaks into a grin and he runs toward the boy. They crash into each other.

"I can't believe it's you. I thought I'd never see you again," the boy says when they pull apart. Talon starts signing rapidly. "Wow, wow, wow. I don't know what that means."

"He says, he never thought he see you again either," I translate, approaching them and limping a bit.

"Oh." He looks back and forth between us. "You can interpret?"

"Yes." I nod.

"Sorry, I'm Lynx." He holds out a hand and I can the muscles in his arm shift as I shake it. He turns back to Talon. "So they cut out your tongue?" Talon nods. "Did it hurt?"

Talon blinks before signing, "Not at all," but I can tell he's lying.

"So what's it like not being able to talk?" Lynx asks.

"It's frustrating sometimes, but sign language makes it easier and I haven't noticed it that much ever since we left the Capitol. It's lucky that Aldera knows it." He smiles at me as I interpret.

Lynx nods. "Well, we should go in now. I'll show you guys around." He starts walking in the direction he came from and we see a few other people hiding in various places, all with a pile of rocks next to them. "We don't have our defense systems up yet, so we have to use rocks."

"Sorry about your leg!" a girl in a tree calls. "I'm sure Aven can fix it!"

"Aven?" I ask Lynx.

The Second Annual Hunger Games (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now