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Sybille makes her way through the water, keeping her eyes peeled. She'd seen a crocodile slink past last night while sitting in a tree. She didn't know how many there were, but she doesn't want to find out. She'd also seen a tribute moving through the swamp that morning and decided she couldn't stay in her tree any longer.

For the past couple of days there had been cannons during the night. Either the careers or the crocodiles have been hunting. The crocodiles Sybille could avoid by hiding in a tree. The careers won't be so easy.

As Sybille keeps moving, she glances someone up ahead. She quickly moves to the nearest tree and hides in its branches. The person makes their way towards her. Sybille grabs her only weapon, a small pocket knife, and grips it with shaking hands. Sweat builds on her skin.

Can she do it? Can she save her life while taking another's? She closes her eyes, taking deep breaths. She wants to live; she wants to make it out of this. She has to kill them.

Her eyes open and she leaps out of the tree, landing with a splash right in front of the tribute. Her knife poised.


"Sybille." His voice is both relieved and panicked. He looks at her warily, like one would look at a wild animal. The games have already changed her.

She blinks and relaxes her stance. Neither of them know what to say.

"Listen," Fergus begins, "I know there can only be one, but Aldera--"

"I remember what she said." Sybille lowers her knife. "I think we should listen to her."

"You do?"


"Okay." The relief is transparent on his face. "Um. Where were you headed?"

She shrugs. "I just didn't want to stop moving."

Fergus looks around. "Good idea. Let's go this way."


I wake to the sunrise streaming through the window. I get out of the bed and go into the bathroom. The lack of buttons and amenities surprises me. I take a quick shower, knowing it might be the last until I reach 13. There's nothing to dry my hair when I get out so I brush through it and towel dry it. I put some clothes on and leave the room.

Talon and Baron eat cereal in the kitchen. They greet me and Baron offers me some, which I gladly take. "So what is this place?"

"A safe house run by the group. Someone in this town owns it and keeps the place stocked, but the rest of the town thinks it's haunted, which is good for us."

"Do you know who owns it?"

He shakes his head. "They don't tell me everything. They don't tell anyone everything, that way if the Capitol captures one of us they won't get all the information."

"That's smart."

Baron looks at his watch. "You guys better hurry. You'll need to get as far as you can each day."

I nod and finish my food quickly. Then I go make sure all of my stuff is packed and re-enter the kitchen. I look at Talon, who has his bag slung across his shoulders. "You ready?" He gives me a thumbs up.

"Here's your sleeping bags," Baron says. He hooks them to our packs. "Sorry I don't have a tent for you. Just hope it doesn't rain." Then he hands me a map and a compass.

"Thank you... for everything."

"No problem." He shakes Talon's hand and I give him a hug. We leave the house and head straight for the woods.

After a few minutes, the town fades away and the trees thicken. I keep my eyes open, scanning for any sign of danger. I feel like I'm back in the games with a new danger around every corner. Talon walks beside me and after a while, he waves for me to look at him.

Are you okay?

"What do you mean?"

You look like an anxious animal.

"I'm fine. This just reminds me of the games. I feel like they're watching me."

He purses his lips. Don't worry. They're not watching us; we're safe, or as safe as you can be in the wilderness.

I scoff. "That makes me feel better."

Glad I could help, he smirks. We fall into silence and the sounds of the woods take over. Wind rustles leaves and birds sing soothing melodies.

I think back to my games and wish it had been in a place like this. Plants and animals there to comfort or hide, there was no protection in rocks and sun.

Talon turns to me. What are you thinking about?

I sigh. "My games."

You think about them a lot, don't you?

I nod. "It's hard not to. I mean, I've killed people. That weighs on your conscience. And even if I could get my mind off it during the day, it still haunts my dreams."

He bites his lip. I'm sorry. No wonder you wanted to get out of the Capitol.

I nod again. "I still don't know if it was the right decision, though."

Why wouldn't it be?

I look at the ground. "I'll probably never get to see my family again. Do you know how hard that is?" He lowers his eyes. "Oh." I squeeze my eyes shut then look back at him. "I'm sorry. I forgot about your parents."

It's okay. I'm probably better off without them. I know they loved me and I loved them, but... I know it's not quite like the relationship you have with your family.

I grab his hand. "We can be each other's family now." He smiles and nods and we continue through the forest.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been like a month since I've updated, I've been so busy recently. And also sorry for the short chapter! So what did you think of Sybille and Fergus' awkward alliance? Do you think they'll help or hurt each other? Will crocodiles be a major threat in the arena? And what do you think about Talon and Aldera's journey so far? Do you think it was a good decision for Aldera to never see her family again? What do you think about Talon's family situation? Let me know your predictions in the comments and please give this chapter a vote if you liked it! Thanks for reading!

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