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"But mom why do I have to do community service?" I ask her. "Because (y/n) you've been getting into a lot of trouble at school and I thought that this would be a good idea." She says. I sigh and go to room. I close the door and lay on my bed. Then I fell asleep.

~ time skip to morning~

I wake up and check the time. It's 11:36 in the morning. I have like 30 minutes to get ready for community service. I put my hair up and pit on a shirt and some shorts. I leave the house and walk to the address that my mom gave me. Must be the service place. Once I get there the give me a vest and send me to some field. I see a lot of other people picking up teach and pulling weeds.

I decide to keep my distance so I go a little farther from everyone else. I have to stay here for an hour picking up trash. Great. I've only been here for five minutes and I'm already bored.

~15 minutes later~

Uhhh, mom why did you do this to me? My trash bag is full, but I'm to lazy to take it to the bin. I was just about to pick it up when I heard someone talking to me. I turn around and see someone with good hair and a deep voice. "Hey, do you need help with that?" He asks. I have to admit he is good looking, but he just isn't my type. I nod out of kindness and he sticks out his hand. "I'm Kim Namjoon." He says. "Hi I'm (y/n)." I said shaking it.

Right as he picks up my bag it rips. "Ahhh! My bag!" I say in shock. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry. I break things all the time." He says. "Do you know how long it took me to pick up all that trash?" Just as I said that another good looking guy walks up.

"Hey Namjoon can you-Oh. Did you break another bag?" He asks. "Don't worry ma'am, we'll clean this up." He says. I nod and they start to pick everything up.

"By the way I'm Min Yoongi." He says. "I'm (y/n) I say back.

Once they're done Yoongi puts the trash bag into a bin. "Hey I'm really sorry about that." Namjoon says. "No, no, no, it's fine." I say back. "Hey why don't you come to our dorm for dinner?" Namjoon asks. "Yeah our Eomma Jin makes the best food ever." Yoongi adds. "Ok, sure." I say agreeing with them. "Ok here's our address." He says handing me a piece of paper with their address. "Oh this isn't too far from where I live." I said.

They said bye and I started to head back home. Once I got there I went to my room and put all of my things away. I took a shower and left my hair down. I put on some black pants and and a (f/c) shirt. I left and started to walk in the direction of their dorm. Once I got there I knocked on the door and it immediately opened. Another good looking boy with a rectangular smile appeared.

"You must be (y/n)." He said as he pulled me in. "I'm Taehyung." He said. "Let me show you around." We walked into the kitchen and I saw a boy cooking. "This is Jin Eomma. He likes to cook." Taehyung said. "Hi." Jin said as he went back to his cooking. Then Taehyung took me to another room. "This is Jimin's room. Another boy approached me. "Hi. I'm Jimin." He says. "TaeTae can I show her the rest of the house?" Jimin asks.

"Awww, but Jimin I wanted to show her." He says begging almost. "Tae go make sure Namjoon doesn't break anything." "Awww, but that's boring." He said. "Ok then go make Hoseok happy." When he said that Tae's eyes lit up. "Ok." He said happily. He walked off leaving me and Jimin alone in the hallway. "So, I'll show you the rest of the place." He said as we walked off.

He lead me to a bright room that had a happy feeling to it. Inside I saw Taehyung with another boy, who I assumed to be J-Hope.

"This is J-Hope's room." He said. J-Hope got up and started to walk towards us. I thought he was going to say hi, but instead gave me a hug.

"Hi, I'm J-Hope, but you can call me Hoseok."

"Hi, I'm (y/n)." I said back. Me and Jimin walk to two other rooms. One was Jin's room, which was filled with Mario. The other was Namjoon's. I wondered why there was bubble wrap everywhere so I asked Jimin and he said everything in there was Namjoon proof so he couldn't break it.

I mean...I guess that's a thing, but that's fine with me. Damn how long is this tour.

We walked to three more rooms. God how big is this place. Jimin said the first room is Jungkook's, second is Tae's and third is Yoongi's. Jungkook's room is full of some G-Dragon things, but not too much. Tae's room is all alien like, but I like it. Yoongi's room is pretty regular, but its really dark (like my soul). After the tour's done, me and Jimin walk back to the living room.

I sat on the couch and I saw Yoongi walk towards me. He sat next to me and we started to talk. "So did Tae give you a good tour?" He asks. " He did at first, but then Jimin showed me the rest of the place."

"Oh ok. Would you excuse me, I have to go talk to Namjoon." He says as he gets up and leaves.

When he left I just sat there. Then Hoseok sat with me. "So (y/n) how did you meet Yoongi and Namjoon?" He asked. "Oh, well I had to do community service and I bumped into them." I said. "Ok, but why were you doing community service?" He asked. "Ummm, my mom signed me up because I wasn't going good in school and I got into a lot of trouble." I told him. "Oh, but you don't look like the type of girl to do bad." He says to me. "I don't?" I ask. "No, you look sweet and cute. He smiled as I started to blush as I hid my face.

He noticed and started to laugh. "What's so funny?" I ask. "You." He says. "What about me?"

"The way you blush makes you look even cuter." As he says that I can feel my face getting redder by the second.

"Everyone dinner is ready!" I hear Jin yell. "Oh the foods done. Come on (y/n) you can sit next to me." He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me off the couch into the kitchen. He sits down and pats the seat next to him. I sit down and Jin is serving everyone. Wow he really is like a mom.

We all ate and I was about to go home when Hoseok wanted me to spend the night. I was hesitant at first because I really didn't know then well and they were all guys, but then Hoseok put on a sad puppy face. He's so cute that I couldn't resist. He said that I can sleep in his room.

"So what do you want to do?" He asks. "Umm, I don't know. Want to watch a movie?" I insisted. "Yeah, but what kind of movie, hmmm...Oh what about a comedy?" He asks. "Ok." I tell him as he puts in the movie.

~time skip to end of movie~

That was a good movie, but I'm really tired. "Umm, Hoseok?" "Yeah (y/n), what's wrong?" He asks. "Where am I supposed to sleep?" I ask. "Oh, you can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the floor." He says. "Oh, but Hoseok I couldn't. This is your bed, I'll sleep on the-" "No (y/n) lay down." He says interrupting me. I get in and lay down while Hoseok puts down some blankets. After a few minutes it starts to get really cold. I wrap myself is some blankets, but that doesn't really do anything.

"(y/n) are you cold?" Hoseok asks. I guess I woke him up. "Umm, no" I say lying. "(y/n) I know you're lying. I can hear you shivering." He gets up and gets into bed with me. I soon feel his arms around me and I realize that he's not wearing a shirt. I start to blush and I bury my face into his chest. I start to feel his warmth and I push myself up so that our faces are at the same length. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping.

He starts to open his eyes and notices me staring at him. "Hi." He says. "H-Hi." I say back nervously. "(y/n) I like you a lot." He says. My eyes get big and I start to blush again. He pulls me closer to him and and my head moves forward causing our lips to connect. I have to admit, I like it and I like him, so I put my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

"Hoseok, I love you."

"I love you too (y/n)."

And we fall asleep together.


Omg that was so long. Hope you liked it. I'll update when I can.

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