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I was walking home from a night out with my friends. I had to walk because they left while I was in the bathroom. They were drunk so I don't blame them. I'll get them back another day. I continue to walk and I'm almost home when I feel a hand over my mouth and I get pulled into a corner. I shut my eyes and get pushed into a wall. I hit my head and my vision is all blurry. Once my vision comes back I see my ex, Jimin. (It's always Jimin) I start to panic and try to escape his grip, but can't.

"What do you want Jimin?" I ask. "I want you." He says. "Well you can't have me." I said. He pinned my hands over my head and starts to kiss my neck. I squirm and squirm, but that's not doing anything. "Jimin get off." I tell him. He ignores me and continues to kiss me. Tears start to form in my eyes and I realize that there's nothing I can do.

He takes off my shirt and starts to grab my breast. Tears are now coming down my cheek and I feel so powerless. He puts a hand down my pants and I I feel him touching everywhere. He continues to kiss my neck and I use this to my advantage. I pretend to kiss his neck, but bite it. He screams a little in pain and gets off of me. I kick him and I start to run not even caring that I'm only in a bra.

I continue to run until I reach my friend Jin's house. I knock on the door and as soon as he opens it I wrap my arms around him.

"(y/n)!" He pulls me in and I don't let go of him. He puts his arms around me and takes me to the couch. "Tell me what happened." He said. "I-I got t-touched by my e-ex." I manage to spit that out and we don't let go of each other. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He asks. "My head hurts. I got pushed into a wall." I said. "Can I take a shower?" I ask. "Yeah of course." We get up and walk towards the bathroom. "Thanks." I said as I close the door.

Jin's P.O.V.

I get (y/n) some of my clothes to wear and wait a while for her to get out. I start to worry about her so I knock on the door. "Hey, are you ok?" I ask. "You can come in." She says. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yeah." She says back. I open the door and she's still in the shower with the door closed. "Can you get me a towel?" She asks. "Yeah." I said as I rush out of the room.

Your P.O.V.

I hear him leave and I sit in the shower holding my knees while the water in running down on me.

"Here." He says as he sticks his hand through the shower door. I open the door all the way and he spreads the towel out. I'm still sitting so he can't see anything. He turns around and closes his eyes. I know he wouldn't peak be cause he's not that type of guy. I get up and walk into the towel. He wraps it around me and hugs me.

He soon afterwards snaps out of it and hands me the clothes that he has for me. He leaves and closes the door on his way out. I dry off and change. I walk out of the bathroom and I see him in the kitchen.

"Whatcha making?" I ask him. "Well, I thought after a shower that you would want some hot chocolate." He said. "Thanks for everything you've done for me Jin." I said. "No problem." He says back. I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. He then brings me my cup and sits with me.

"So are you sure you're ok?" He asks. "Well, I'm scarred for life. I didn't know what to do. I just felt so helpless." I start to cry again and he puts his cup down to hug me. "It's ok. You don't have to talk about it anymore." He says while stroking my hair. We embrace the hug and I fall asleep in his arms.

After a long while I wake up in a bed. I guess he carried me to his bed. I get up and go to what I think is the bathroom. Well I may have took a wrong turn because when I opened the door I saw a sleeping Jin. I walked in and closed the door. I got in bed with him and hugged him. I think that woke him up.

"Why did you leave me?" I asked. "Sorry, I thought that you might have needed some space." He says. "Why would I need space when I have you." I said. I think that I thought I was dreaming because I would never had the courage to say that. He put him arms around me and squeezed me. "You're right." He says. I also put my legs around him cause why not. He pulls me as close as he can toward him and we fall asleep.

~Skip to morning~

I wake up and Jin was gone. I get up and go to the kitchen to see a note on the counter.

"I went to the store to go get more food. Don't miss me too much, don't go anywhere and don't open the door for anyone. Be back in a while." It says. I'm all alone. I go to the living room and turn on the t.v. I don't really want to watch anything, but its something to do while Jin in gone. (I want to write smut, but people who know me will cringe and this is an imagine so.) I lay on the couch bored when I hear the door open. I immediately get off and run to the door. I see Jin with bags in his hands and I hug him. He puts the bags down and hugs back.

"I thought I told you not to miss me too much." He says. "How could I not miss you." I said back. "Don't ever leave me here alone again ok." I said. "Why?" He asks. I know he just wants me to tell him. "Because then I'll be miserable at the fact that I don't have you with me." I said. He laughs and we let go of each other.

"Oh, I got you something." He says as he digs through the bag. He pulls out a stuffed llama and hands it to me. I take it and examine it. "You got me a llama?" I question him. "Yeah. It reminded me of you." He says. "How did it remind you of me?" I ask. "Well, I thought it was cute, like you." I blush and hold the llama up to my face. "I like it." I said. "I'm glad you do." He says back. "What will we name him?" I ask. "I don't know. He's yours so you can name him." He says. "Ok then, I'll just call him llama." I said.

I put the llama on the couch and go back to Jin. "So what did you buy?" I ask. "You sure do ask a lot of questions." He says. "I need to. How else would I know things?" I asked. "Wow, you even answered my question with a question." He says. I roll my eyes and hit his shoulder. I walk to the couch and pick up the llama. "At least you don't complain. Right Llama?" I said to the llama. Jin comes over to me and takes the llama from my hands. Then our faces are just inches apart. "Well I don't think Mr. Llama can make you feel as good as I do when I'm around you." He says. "What if his presence makes me happier?" I ask. "Then I'll have to give you something more than that." After he finished that sentence he got up and started to walk away.

I sat there confused. I finally got up and went to the kitchen where Jin was. He was making something and I hugged him from behind. "Jin, do I make you feel happy when I'm around?" I ask. "Of course you do. Why would you even ask that?" He says. "I was just wondering." I said. He puts down the utensils and turns around. He lifts me up and puts me on the counter so that we're at eye level.

After a moment of staring into each others eyes we kiss. He brings me closer to him and there is practically no space between us. His lips were soft and plump and our lips moved in sync. We pull apart and I just stare at him. "I told you I can make you feel something more than that." He says. "And there's a lot more where that came from." He adds. I laugh at his dumb sentence and hug him even more.

"I just can get enough of you Kim SeokJin."

"And I can wait to get more of you (y/f/n) (y/l/n)."


Thanks for reading this beautiful chapter made by yours truly. Hope you liked it and sorry for the spelling mistakes.

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