Suga/Brother's Friend/

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School was over and I walked home like always. Once I got there I opened the door and walked to my room, but before I could enter I looked onto my brothers room because its right next to mine. I had to take a double take because I saw someone else in there with him.

I peeked in so that they couldn't see me. I saw a blond boy sitting next to him. He looked bored, but that's probably how is face is. He looked cute, but I would never have the guts to tell anyone that. I kept staring at him and was about to leave when he looked over and our eyes locked for a split second.

I quickly turned around and walked to my room. My heart was racing and I felt really nervous. I put my bag down and changed out of my school uniform. I put on a big shirt and some shorts. I didn't care that it made me look like I only had underwear on cause my brother didn't mind. I walked out of my room and caught a quick glimpse at him. I continued to walk till I got to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge to get something to drink and I saw my brother walk out of the room. He was about to leave when I called his name.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I asked. "Oh, I need to go take care of something for a while, and don't bother my friend. Ok." He says back. "Now why would I do that? Just hurry up so that I don't have to be alone with someone I don't know." I said. "I can't promise anything." He says. He walks out the door and I am now left alone with a stranger.

I finish my drink and was about to go back to my from when his friend called me.

"Hey! You're(y/n) right?" He asks. "Y-Yeah." I said nervously. "I'm Yoongi. Get me something to drink." It sounded more like a command then a question. "Why should I?" I asked. "Well if you don't I'll have to make you get it." He said with a smirk on his face. I knew he wouldn't try to hurt me or anything because my brother would be all on him, so I decided to see what he would do instead. "And how will you make me?" I asked. He got up and walked over to me. I backed up and hit the wall and he got really close.

Our faces were only inches apart and it seemed like he was looking into my soul. My heart was racing again and I got really red.

"Y-You're already up, why don't you just get something to drink?" I asked. "It's to much work to walk all the way over there and walk all the way back, so can you please get me something to drink?" He asked with a sad face. He looks cute when he's sad. "Fine." I said. He backed up and walked back to the room and I went in the kitchen to get water.

I filled the cup and walked back to the room. Just when I was about to hand him the cup I decided to go a bit closer so that he could reach it and I tripped over some of my brothers clothes and fell on top of him.

"Well, I didn't know that you were that excited to give me some water." He says smiling. I got lost in thought and stared at his face. His smile was so perfect. It suited him well. Then my thoughts got interrupted by my brother walking in.

"What the hell. (y/n) what are you doing get off of him." He says. I get up and realize that I spilled the water.

"I'm sorry that I spilled the water." I said apologizing. "It's fine. It was only an accident." He says with an uncaring voice. I pass my brother and go to my room to change. The water was on my shirt and all over my shorts so I put on a different shirt and take off my shorts so that I'm only in underwear. I'm not going to leave my room so I stay in my underwear and lay in bed.

I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes it was all ready dark. I got up and went to the living room. No one was in there so I went to the kitchen. I got some water and drank it all. I turned around and saw Yoongi looking at me with and uncomfortable face.

"Uhhh." He sounded to uncomfortable. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Umm, well..." I looked at his eyes and he looked down then back at me. I looked and realized that I was in my underwear. I panicked and tried to pull my shirt down, but it wasn't working. I covered myself and ran to my room without speaking a word. I shut the door as quickly as possible and tried to calm myself.

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