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~Childhood flashbacks~

I was playing outside while my mom was gardening and I see a moving van pull up to the driveway across the street. Me being the curious child I am, just stare at them. I see a little boy about my age get out of the car. He looks at the house then he turns around to look at us. Our eyes meet and he gets pulled away by his mom. I run to my mom and ask if we can go say hi. She agrees and we walk to their house. His mom see's us and says hi. My mon says hi back and I'm behind her.

"Oh and who's this one?" She asks. "This is (y/n)." My mom says. "I have a son about your age. Maybe you guys can play together." She says. She goes inside and when she comes back out I see the same boy. "This is my son, Taehyung." She says. I walk to him and tell him my name. All he does is smile at me.

~End of Flashback, Onto a new one.~

Smack! "Oww, that hurt you pabo." I said to Tae. "Well you should have been prepared." He says. I hit him back and we start laughing. "Hey come on, I have an idea." He pulls me towards a tree in the park. "You get to carve whatever you want." He says as he pulled out a picks knife. "I grab it from him and move closer to the tree. I carve a heart and give the knife back to him. "Is that all?" He asks. "Well what am I supposed to carve?" I ask. "I'm just kidding. It's actually pretty good, considering that you carved it. Look I'm gonna make it better." He starts to carve something and try to look, but he's hiding it. Once he's done he steps back to let me see.

"Wow, you carved our initial's. Way to go." I pinch his cheeks and he shows me his rectangle smile. "So true love right?" He asks teasing me. "Yeah mega true love." I said playing back. "One day I'll make you mine. That's a promise." He says. "Ok." I said back. Hr grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him. "You never know when that one day will be." He says while leaning closer. He lets go of me and smiles. I stand there blankly like a dork.

~End Flashback ~

"You coming?" He asked snapping me out of my thought. "Yeah." I said as I jog towards him. We walk back and go to our houses. I go to my room and lay on my bed texting Tae. We texted for a while until I was tired. I said bye and went to sleep.


I get up and walk to the kitchen. I open the fridge and get some orange juice. I lean on the counter she drinking my oj when I get a text from Tae.

Hey meet me outside in a while.-Tae

I don't know why, but I will agree.-Me

I change and brush my hair. I walk outside and I see Tae sitting on my porch. "Excuse me Mr. can I help you?" I ask playing."Oh I'm sorry, but I'm looking for a young lady who goes by the name of (y/n)." He says. "Well you're talking to her." I said. "So what do you want?" I ask. "Well I thought that we could do something today." He says. "We do something every day." I said. "I know, but today will be really special." He says."Ok whatever you say." I said.

We walk to some restaurant and sit at a table. "Hey I want you to meet someone." He says. "Ok." I said back in a confused tone. We wait a while longer until I hear the door open. "Oh, there she is." He goes over to some girl and brings her over here. "(y/n) this is Ali my girlfriend." What the hell! When did this happen! I put on a fake smile and shake her hand. "Hi I'm Ali, his girlfriend." She said with a smile. I could tell that she doesn't like me. "So this is who you wanted me to meet." I said to him. "Yeah, I met Ali at school and I thought that she could hang out with us." He says. Why would you do this to me. Now I have to pretend I like her. "Oh, that seems like a good idea." I said. So many lies are about to come out of my mouth.

"So, how did you guys meet?" Ali asked. "Oh, well my-" "We're childhood friends." I said while interrupting him. She gave me a look and I just smiled at her. "Oh, that's nice." She said. Things got quiet pretty quick. "So do you guys want to go walk in the park?" He asked. "Yeah, but do you want to come (y/n)?" She asks with her fake self. "Aww thanks, I would love to come." I said. I can tell that I was getting her mad and I enjoyed that. We walked out of the restaurant and headed to the park.

I was just third wheeling, but I didn't mind. They were so close to each other. Every so often she would look back and just stare at me. Then it hit me. I have an idea. I wiggled my way in between them and she was getting more mad. "Hey guys sorry interior this, but I need to talk to my best friend." I said while looking at Tae. "Hope you don't mind." She didn't want to look mean in from of him so she just nodded. I kept walking trying to spare some time.

Then I "accidentally" pushed Ali into the fountain. Me and Tae stopped and stared at her. Then he snapped out of it to help her up. "Oh my God, are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah, are you hurt?" I asked pretending to care. "I'm fine." She says to me with an attitude. "Look, I better go home and clean up.' She said. She started to walk away and I stood behind Tae so that he couldn't see me. "Hey Ali!" I called out. "Yeah." She said with a fake happy look.

"Bye!" I yelled while flipping her off. Tae couldn't see me since he was in front of me. She looked straight at me with such a hateful face. Me being the sunshine rainbow kid that I am smiled back. She walked away and Tae turned to me with a straight face.

"Why did you do that?" He asks. "Do what?" I asked. "How could you push her!?" He asks while raising his voice. "I didn't push her!" I said. "Yes you did!" He says back. "Look Tae, of you don't want to believe me then just go somewhere else." He looked shocked and left me there. I walked to the swings and sat down. Tears forming in my eyes. I looked around and something caught my eyes. The tree. As soon as I saw that carving I broke down.

"Why would you do this to me?" I asked talking to myself. "You even promised." I said. "YOU PROMISED ME THAT ONE DAY WE WOULD BE TOGETHER!" I yelled out. I sat there alone crying my heart out. "I tried to keep that promise." I turned my head around and saw Tae. "Tae?" I asked. "Look (y/n), I'm sorry about today. I didn't know that that's how you felt." He said. He walked closer and sat in the swing next to me.

"So are you mad at me." He asks. "I'm not mad, just more disappointed that you choose Ali." I said. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that after this day we're done." I laughed and stood up. "So do you want to do something fun?" He asks. "Like what?" I asked back. "Do you want to play in the fountain?" He asks. "How could you even ask me that? Of course I would." We ran to the fountain and started to splash in it. It was dark so no one was there.

"Hey can I tell you something?" I asked. "Yeah." He says. "I pushed Ali into the fountain." I said. He started to laugh and so did I. "So maybe that one day can be today." I said. "Maybe." He says back.

I walked closer to him and kissed him. He was shocked at first, but gave in. We pulled back and I saw him blushing.

"Aww, you're so cute when you're blushing." I said.

"Not as cute as you." He says back.

He pulled me into another kiss and we enjoyed the moment.

"So if someone asked where we first kissed, are we going to tell them that we kissed in a fountain?" Hr asks.

"I guess so." I said back.


Thanks for reading this chapter. It involved fountains. Hope you liked it.

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