She's Beautiful

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The last sliver of light vanished in me, snapped like a string, bearing too much. Darkness consuming me,eating away all that I was,and replacing my soul, with something darker, something sinister, and withing the depths of me it lurked, dwelling silently stalking it's prey, ready to pounce like the monster it is.

Fifteen minutes after disposing of WIlliams car and burning it, Erick and I arrive at the warehouse where my other brother awaits us, Derek.

Derek is my eldest brother. He taught me how to clean up my tracks when things got too disorganized.

''Turn here.''Erick says firmly.

I make a turn off the road and through the gates to the garage. It's an old place just outside of the city.The Sign on the gate has been defaced due to weathering. The paint on the garage is peeling off. I don't know how Williams could hold up a business with a piece of shit repair shop like this one. Erick steps out to greet Derek and see if he has done his part. I on the other hand, have to get our new best friend out of the trunk of my mini van.

It's been a long ride from the beach to out of the city. Yet, I left an oxygen tank lying in the back with him. He should be in great shape. Immediately upon opening the trunk , a silver cylinder comes soaring right at me. Briskly, I make use of my sharp reflexes and dodge the rude gesture. Strategically, plucking the air tank, I take it and plunge it right to his forehead.

''Why do they have to make it so hard for a killer these days? I say with a dry expression.

''Lucas! Stop playing around and bring him inside before someone spots us.''Erick says desperately.

Carrying him was very difficult. When someone eats nothing but take out and has no daily exercise plan they tend to be a little on the heavy side. Almost breaking my back, my two attending brothers help me carry him inside and set him up for me.

The doors are locked, windows blocked with shady trash bags taped and sealed to them, my senses heightened, my blade shimmers in the clutch of my hand, legs tremble walking toward the doors to Hell. My subject is sedated and lays before me. She's beautiful (the display of the kill).

''It's finally time little brother.''Eric chants.

''Yes, do it.'' Derek assures.

I stand staring at the gates of Hell hearing the whispers of the wicked. No blood on my hands, at least not at the moment. What more will become of me through this? There's only one way to find out.

Stab! the sound of my knife cutting at my last bit of innocence. Splat! Goes a burst of blood showering my face. Thump! From the unconsciousness... my vision is a blur... and voices are faint. What just happened? One moment I'm having the best feeling ever and then it just fades away. It is like getting hyped up from an energy drink to crash even harder into what you tried to escape. From then on I went in and out of reality; my head rattling.

''Derek. Ditch the body and clean up this mess.''Eric commends.

''I'm on it.'' Derek respectfully excepts the command given.

A glimpse of cars passing out of the view of a window as I hear swerves of reckless driving.

''Don't worry Lucas, I'll get you home soon. Stay with me brother. You look like your gonna puke bro. That's gross. I bet you wife is gonna be pissed when she sees what a mess you are haha.'There's nothing to worry about though. Derek will make sure you're clean for your next assignment, you'll be fine, trust me.''

''Take me home'' I say barley keeping awake as Eric deludes me. And also the last thing I say before waking up the next morning to Grace.

I wake up to the smell of a home cooked meal and what seems to feel like a hangover.

Funny, I never drank before. But what happened last night was a trip I didn't want to come back from.

Getting out of bed I notice that my blood stained face and cloth have been cleansed. It would of have been a disaster if Grace saw me like I was last night. But now I'm back home and my mask is fitted tightly. Now I'm just a person that everyone sees as Lucas, ''the friendly serial killer.''

Right after my morning hygienic ritual, I head to the kitchen. When I enter, a thick mist of aromas and the laughter of children fill the air. It's like this every morning with them. Big breakfasts, laughs, small talk around the kitchen table... I just don't get it.

''Hey sport. Hey little missy. How are you two today?'' I say playfully tickling the two children making the most friendly face possible.

''Good morning Lacas!''They both say in unison to greet me.

My wife Grace greets me last with a smile and a gentle kiss on the cheek. ''Hello Lucas.'' She mutters sweetly.

''Hello Grace,'' I reply.

''Listen honey, I got to go early today. Something came up again at work.'' I confidently say.

It was the truth. Something did pop up again.... a new task, another chance to become the predator. I just prey that this one goes better than the last.

I get another text after entering my car. This is it; Monica Cruz; fashion designer at HYM inc. She has been known to do some strange art work. Today, I will go to one of her shows to meet her in person. Fashion isn't my Strong point as you can tell. I wear collared T-shirts with denim tight fitting jeans, and combed back hair. You can know everything about me just by observing the way I dress - I'm organized, sophisticated, and friendly - the perfect in plain sight killer.

The fashion show isn't supposed to be a big event, it's only a chance to show off your work to judges and audience. I'll be hiding in the audience watching from a far. I won't take her then, I'll wait for the right moment to strike, it's too public. To be unseen, I must tag her somewhere with fewer eyes lingering. To take a risk will mean losing the feeling of the thrill of the kill. I don't ever want to let that go. Everything must be perfect and go exactly as planned.

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