It's Just Dialogue

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"Ichi... Can you do me a favour?"

"Eh? What do you want?"

"I want you to do the thing you did to Jyuushimatsu yesterday."

"Which thing?"

"The thing where he laid down and you... You know."

"Oh, that... Why?"

"Because your onii-chan wants it."

"Ugh, don't talk in that tone, it's disgusting..."

"Eh?! You're so mean!... You say it's disgusting but should that really be coming from your mouth?"

"What... What are you talking about?"

"Ichi... You don't actually think I don't know about your kinks do you? I know you like to get off to an—"

"Stop right there."


"Lay down."


"Not like that, turn around."

"Like this?"

"Yeah, that's good... Actually it might be better if you took your shirt off."

"Eh? Why?"

"Less friction. It feels better too."

"Ehh... Ah well, if it's my cute little Ichi then okay."

"Don't ever call me that again."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Okay my shirt's off, now do your magic."

"Okay. Tell me if it hurts."


"How's that?"

"Ahh... That feels pretty good, could you go a little... Ah!"


"Geez, would it warn you to warn a guy?... Keep going though."




"That felt good."


"Ahn!.. Y-Yeah... Keep going."

"Hold on, I'm going to get some lotion so it'll be easier." 

"Kay, oh use Todomatsu's! It smells nice."

"It smells disgusting. Too flowery." 

"Fine, fine, whatever, just go get what you need."

"Mmn. I'll be back." 

"Sorry, did you wait long?"

"Yeah, I almost fell asleep!"

"Alright, alright, I'll get back on it... I'm starting now."

"Yeah, okay j- whOA THAT'S COLD!" 

"Ah, should I have rubbed it on my hands more?"

"Um. Obviously?! How do you do it with Jyuushimatsu anyways?!"

"Like normal."

"I think we both know that your normal is not normal."

"I just do it."

"Do what."

"I just.. Go and do it. No lotion."

"You guys are scary."

"Says the one who's asking me to do the same to them."

"That's because I felt left out! And besides, Choro-chan won't do it so I have to settle for the next best -ACK!"

"Keep talking like that and I'm gonna stop." 

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay! Okay!! I get it, sorry! Just keep going it feels nice."

"I know it does."

"You're an asshole."

"I learn from the best."

"Mmn... Could you go down a little... Yeah that's it, oh god that feels nice." 

"Stop talking. You're distracting me." 


"What was that?"

"Sounds like a Totty scream."

"A Totty scream?"

"Yeah. He always screams like that."

"Do I even want to know how you know that?"


"Yeah, you're probably right, anyways. Continue."


"Which one of you fuckers used up my lot- whAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Oh, Totty."

"Oh, hey Todomatsu!"

"Answer my question! What are you doing with my lotion, and whY ARE YOU USING SO MUCH OF IT!"

"Ichi is giving me special treatment."

"Who gives a shit about your 'special treatment'?! My lotion is my 'special treatment'!! That was limited edition, give me my lotion back!!"

"No way man, unless you want to join us."

"No way in hell."

"It's your loss. Ichi has some magical hands I tell you."

"Ugh! Whatever, I'll just go take some of your money to buy myself some more."

"I thought you said this shit was limited edition."

"Doesn't mean I can't find it. I. Have my ways."

"It's called his sugar daddy."


"Hey! You leave him out of this! And Ichimatsu nii-san, the next time you decide to give another one of our brothers a back massage, lay down a towel, and DON'T use my lotion!!" 

"Man, what got his panties in a knot."

"Beats me."

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