Lost and Found

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Author notes:

At the beginning or end of each chapter, I will leave notes to what I am referencing to or what my inspiration was coming from.

Strasbourg-a city in France that's on the Rhine. I changed it a bit to make it sound more "Pokemony"

Pan- is the name of a Greek god, known for nature and the arts (theatrical specifically) his temples are usually in caves like Arcadia for example.

Montes Jura-a Mountain range in France that is a part of the Alps. I couldn't come up with something creative enough here. But hopefully, you will see that since Kalos is based on France, my area of the region will be based on areas near the Rhine and the Alps...however when it comes to the climate or setting may be different than the actual thing.

I originally came up with this idea years ago when I was still watching Pokemon. I always loved Meowth and always wanted to see its character brought out more due to its ability to talk. But alas it was degraded to a stupid comical relief character. I will get into more details as I go on with the story. I have been daydreaming about this story for years and due to recent events of a possible game called the sun and moon, a plot thread that has always been the main premise of my story finally forced me to write it all down. So here I am writing away.

This story starts off with Ash heading for his last gym battle in Kalos. Another thing I know that there is a Z arc going on and I thought about adding it in but I honestly didn't see the room for it...consider the Z arc nonexistent or already completed. And keep in mind I officially stopped watching during the advanced generation...so most of what I write about the Kalos crew is just by seeing a few episodes once in a while and mostly reading about them on Wikipedia...and no I am not going to watch them just so they could seem more accurate, the show bugs me in more ways than one, granted while I appreciate the risks they are taking the animation and the current English voice casting are the 2 big reasons why I just can't...maybe it's my nostalgia goggles but to me, the show doesn't have enough heart as it used too. So in laymen's terms, they maybe to OC for some readers.

Chapter 1: Lost and Found


"Sounds of water rippling through my body..."

**Click, clack, click, clack, click, clack**

"Are those footsteps..."

Dripping water...darkness slowly being overtaken by the light of the sun to begin a new day, in what appears to be an alley somewhere unknown lied an unconscious cat-like creature "Ugh...what...happened..."

**sniff, sniff**

"Wha..." Slowly opening one's groggy eyes only to see a pair of piercing red eyes staring back.

"WHOA...ooouuuch...my head" Meowth who was still slowly coming to, realizes that the red eyes staring at him belonged to a Furfrou. Still feeling groggy and in pain from whatever happened previously, Meowth was starting to get a better sense of what was around him as Furfrou continued to observe him.

"Where am I?" asked Meowth as he was slowly standing up. Furfrou continued to stare at him for a moment before taking off.

"Hey, where are you going...ow...my head" Meowth followed Furfrou only to lose sight of it after exiting the alley and entering into an area that was more populated with humans.

"What happened, where am I...and where is everyone?"

Seeing that it was all alone, Meowth begins to explore the area in search of its friends.

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