The Amazing Mask of Secrets

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Author notes:

Well it looks like I lied about having the next chapter being longer, in hindsight I probably could have ended the last chapter where I ended it here but once I officially place a chapter on here I'm done with it. This was going to be a much longer chapter but it felt better to cut it in half. Chapter 12: Prepare for Flare is my longest chapter and was even hard for me to keep it together. I can't tell you how many times I went back and forth on how I wanted to go about it, the end result was putting both stories the twerp's and Meowth's together in one chapter. The "amazing" saga chapters would have been much longer and probably much more confusing with all that has been going on if I kept it at its original length.

Fair warning Ash and all his friends maybe out of character again in this chapter, you will probably see why once the situation comes up which I will explain my reasons at the end of this chapter. I've heard that the main cast is much more mature in their desicion making including Ash when it comes to battles and that he has become...dare I say it smarter? Well he did make it to the finals but I would be shocked if they actually let him win.

While Ash's end goal is to reach Snowbelle City in this story and the show itself has past that stage. This story can fit pretty much anywhere, I only started it like that because the series was still in the master class whatever thing when I first posted it online. In hindsight I probably should have made the story more open ended on when it actually takes place for future readers but I figured it was best to give some actual placement, in any case if the Snowbelle City thing bothers you because it already happened just imagine a different gym or city, at the end of the day Ash's end goal doesn't effect the story in anyway.

Chapter 18: The Amazing Mask of Secrets


Meowth was certain he saw something; it looked like a razor leaf. He heard something fly as he saw something graze the rope that held the bridge together. He stopped running and looked back just in time to see what looked like another razor leaf slicing through one of the ropes.

"HOLD ON TIGHT!" They were confused as to why and almost didn't follow through in time as the bridge dropped sideways.

"AHHH!" They all screamed. Soon after that, Meowth heard another razor leaf slicing through the remaining rope.

"AHHH!" They screamed as the bridge swung across to the side they were aiming for. Meowth was slammed into the wall of the canyon so hard as the pain shot through its shoulder causing it to slowly blackout. Meowth acted fast and bit itself so it wouldn't. If it did blackout it would fall, it repeated that notion to itself over and over again. It was so tired, but it gathered all the strength it needed to push itself. It grabbed onto the wood plank above and climbed the broken bridge like it was a ladder. Its shoulder was in excruciating pain with each move. As it made it to the top; it wanted to pass out but knew this was not the time or place to do so.


"Thanks for your help Noivern," Ash said as he called it back. Meowth moved towards the edge to look down. It was rubbing its aching shoulder as it tried to catch any sounds, any smells or any indication of who possibly did it. At the corner of its eye, it thought it saw a shadow move swiftly between the sharp rocks at the bottom of the gorge.

***Click, clack, click, clack***

Footsteps that came from behind filled its ears as it turned around. Meowth quickly equipped itself with its poker face, pretending everything was normal. The stupid twerp along with his friends walked up to it. The question that was on their minds was obvious.

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