The Amazing Caves and their Secrets

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Author notes:

Pippin pouch: I made this up obviously, and yes its slightly inspired by Mary Poppins with her bag but that's not want I'm trying to do with this little thing. This is just an introduction of how I intend to expand the evil organizations in the the pokemon world. I thought there was always a lot of room to expand on them in general on how they function, how they came to be and what tools they use that are different from your average pokemon trainer. Much like the parchment paper I introduced earlier...its all about being secretive, cunning etc. with them. Maybe its the sadistic side of me but the evil organizations always intrigued me and I've always wished they dived into it more in the anime.

Chapter 19: The Amazing Caves and their Secrets


It was a little difficult to pry Dr. Pan away from the cave but Ash convinced him there was nothing of interest for him inside. They passed a few other caves along the way and Dr. Pan wanted to explore them all. He was like a kid in a candy store, but Meowth ignored the man's pleas of wanting to explore at random.

"I don't care!" It would say.

"I'm not helping you on your stupid expedition. If you want to explore the caves so badly then go do it yourself!" It would shout viciously. It was safe to say that its attitude was not received well as Ash would feed into the banter as the gang nervously watched another fight break out.

Meowth was on a mission. He didn't care if the twerps got angry or that Dr. Idiot wanted to explore the area. He can go right ahead but Meowth wasn't going to participate or wait for him. The sooner he delivers the mask the better. A village meant human civilization and where there are humans there are maps. After this mission, he can return to finding his friends. They are in Anbero City waiting for him, he has to hurry. Meowth concentrated on the sounds that surrounded him. He can hear it, the sounds of water moving within fast rapids or slow currents. Golett and Shuckle said that a river can be heard but not seen. To get to the town, he must follow the sound of the river for it will lead him into the lowest parts of the mountains.


A few days have past and the routine was the same. Each time Meowth was forced to stop for a break and each time during the morning or evening Ash tried to bring the Pokémon together only to have them drift apart even further. Ash would give it the soup-like mixture and to his surprise, the small pouch contained a lot. Since there was no place for Meowth to run and hide it saw the little tea bag was what agents tend to use. It was a pippin pouch, a bag that's small but can contain more than its size. Meowth started to wonder if Saul really was retired, but then also remembered Clio has a brother and that maybe he is an agent for Team Solaris. It wasn't uncommon, most families connected to an organization would have more than one family member involved. Meowth stopped itself from overthinking it too much, its mind was at its capacity filled with the "what ifs" and "maybes" adding any more would just make it go nuts. Nevertheless, Meowth figured it would be best to keep the identity of the pippin pouch to himself.

Since it was drinking the herbal remedy that contained vegetables and other nutrients, the gang was willing to back off a little. They would try to offer it something more but Meowth would still decline. However, their worries of it exhausting itself like it did before lessened. For a remedy that Meowth only had to take in the morning and at night did show improvements. Meowth was moving at a faster pace then it did before and to see such a difference led to them feeling guilty. If only they realized it sooner. Now they can see that the energy that Meowth has lost is slowly returning a bounce in its step once more.

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