The Amazing Mountains and their Restless Quarrels!

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Author notes:

Ash maybe out of character here as well, apparently he is smarter in the XYZ series from what I hear. Again I left around advanced generation and I have seen a few recent clips here or there but the Ash I'm writing is the one I remember from advanced generation. He's smart and has become more mature with his experience but still has a hot headed temper and occasional idiot moments.

Updated note:

The Amazing Saga will be long and will be repetitive, you will get frustrated, you will get annoyed...if you make it all the way through kudos to you. This section was going to be longer with more conversations but ended up getting cut short or cut out altogether. The reason being why these chapters shall be repetitive is because that is what the characters are going through every second of every day...they are always feeling annoyed with no breaks in between...the same conversation that leads into the same agrument...groups of people and Pokémon stuck together in mountains for who knows how could be weeks or even months...the fact that no one gets sent to distortion world is a miracle...then again it could be bad writing on my part and I am being biased ;)

Chapter 16: The Amazing Mountains and their Restless Quarrels!


The Pokémon were out and the camp was set up. The twerps were preparing everyone's meals and Meowth was trying to stay far away from them as possible. The path Meowth wanted to take was going upward and was bordered by the rising rock wall. The river would keep going and it looked like it was heading for another canyon. With the way the land has been that could only mean the river was going to split again. However, he felt that he should let go of the idea of constantly following the river so closely. That maybe the flow could be followed another way. The path in his dreams would take him higher. It felt right to go higher. Meowth was daydreaming as he sat in the short cork oak tree; the semi-dried up green leaves hid him nicely. It was one of the few trees in the area by the edge of the river with a large boulder by its side. Out of all of the trees, this one was the furthest away.


"Is that from Saul?" Bonnie asked. Ash nodded as he began to stir the mixture.

"Let's give it our cookies." She motioned to Serena to bring them out.

"Bonnie, while your intentions are good I think we should tread carefully. All of us crowding around it might be too much for it." Serena said with a sense of rationality.

"What do you mean?" Bonnie questioned.

"It's what Saul said, Pokémon are very sensitive creatures and when unexpected changes occur its often very normal for Pokémon to naturally shut down."

"So what can we do?"

"Just by being around, we are letting Meowth know that we are here for it," Serena said passionately as she watched Ash walk away from the group to Meowth's hiding place.

"Little by little Meowth will revitalize itself. As long as time is on our side we can help it but that all depends on Meowth. We can't do anything if it remains distant but we can't force it either." She said as she watched Ash close in on Meowth who was sitting in a tree that was the furthest away. Majority of the Pokémon glanced over at the scene that was about to unfold as they too kept their distance. Some tried to get closer but seconded guessed their actions thinking that it would be best not to. Others were not so tolerant as they kept their distance. They were waiting for the scratch cat to make a move, for Ash or the others to give the order to send the little nuisance blasting off once again. Clemont was working on his latest gadget while Dr. Pan was looking over his previous notes. Every so often Dr. Pan would glance over in the direction of Meowth as if he were trying to solve the mystery that the scratch cat was engulfed by with the help of his notes and knowledge of the ancient worlds.

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