The Amazing Rivers!

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Author notes:

Ash maybe even more out of character here. i know that he is more forceful and more hot headed but if you came this far please bare with it. I'm trying to keep him in character as much as possible in the situation I created. For the other characters, I don't know them that well...again I don't watch the current show so I just go by the descriptions on wikipedia or by watching compilations on youtube. So if they are out of character as well...sorry.

I mentioned this before but I feel it must be said again. The magically appearing medallion and gems is what I like to call anime magic. There is no explanation it just happens. From what I remember there were plenty of times when Team Rocket was on scene and one of their meches would just magically appear out of no where. I even remember Meowth pulling out a remote control out of thin air once for one of their gadgets and its like...ok where were you hiding that? So yeah, I don't know where it hides these things...or do I?

Chapter 15: The Amazing Rivers!


Meowth finally reached the riverbank to start following it once again. Seeing the river he involuntarily collapsed to his knees with Tatsuo's voice forcing its way into his mind.

"Vanished," it echoed in his mind as tears started to form at the corner of his eyes. Bidoof's movements rustled through the bushes and was walking upright with a grey satchel that was slung over its shoulder as if it were a human wearing a messenger bag. Meowth quickly straightened himself out, rubbing away any remnants of a possible break down. Knowing full well that his behavior was deplorable in the eyes of other Pokéteers.

"I see you're coming with me," Meowth muttered, forcing an optimistic tone.

"You got through it pretty fast too, I only learned a small section. I guess you know your way around this land more than I do." It spoke softly trying to create small talk in order to hide its discomfort. Meowth was hoping to have some time to itself; the whole fake-out with the balloon and the recent news was far too overwhelming to bear. It wasn't ready to restart just yet, it wanted to recollect its thoughts and assess its situation further but the world it lives in was not letting that happen.

"Bidoof, Bidoof" It said gleefully.

"Wait up Meowth!" They heard the mini twerp cry out as the rest of the humans rejoined them.

"How did they get through it so fast?" Its question was answered as it saw a huge contraption strapped to the four-eyed twerp's waist slashing away the vines and other obstacles for the twerps to get through.

"Can't believe I haven't thought of this sooner!" He laughed at himself, but as they got closer his invention exploded. Everyone coughed as they were gasping for clean air. Bidoof walked behind Meowth causally to create distance between itself and the humans as it contained its cheeky smile.

"Cough...Cough...I wonder what went wrong." The four-eyed twerp said sadly as he looked at his broken contraption.

"Cough...Cough...Oh, let me help you with that. I may be just an archeologist but I do know a thing or two about mechanics."

***Cough, cough***

"Well, I guess that's one thing they don't have in common. Every time James decides to take a crack at one of our contraptions he always makes things worse." Meowth thought as it observed the goofy man help the geeky twerp.



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