Following the Flow leads to Amazing Secrets

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Author notes:

I think this is the best time to say that the "Amazing" saga has been divided up multiple times in fact chapters 10-till now all have been divided up due to so much was going on that the chapters had to be divided. This was going to be a much longer chapter but I had to cut end it early for reasons. Originally I was going to have the travel time in the mountains condensed into about 3-4 chapters but it just couldn't be done. Having to deal with dreams, a Team Flare or any other team interaction was just to much and had to be split up. So while this chapter is a short one the next one will be much longer. Looking on the bright side of this, you get a chapter now rather than later. ;)

Magically appearing tables and medallions...As I explained the medallions, the same basic principle applies with the tables or chairs. The infamous scene that many critics like to make fun of is the 1st movie when we see the heroes sitting at a table in the middle of nowhere. How did it get there...we don't they ever explain where it comes from, your answer is as good as mine.

The sun and moon...I said this in the beginning, one of the major reasons I started writing this online was because of the titles of the new games. One of my main themes dealt with the relationship between the sun and the moon. I always had it in my head that there could be a connection between the sun and moon and that could be worked into the world of pokemon so once I heard that was going to be the new game titles, I had to write this. I had this story in my head for years and it always consisted with Meowth and its koban. As I matured (hopefully) the fate of the characters have changed, I won't go into detail in what changed right now for that would be spoiling things but I will explain it down the road. But I will say this, the story involves mythologies around the world, most specifically ancient Greece, ancient Egypt and others involving cats. Cats have a very interesting history throughout the world, they were worshiped, feared and have interesting legends like the maneki neko which is what Meowth is based on.

Chapter 17: Following the Flow leads to Amazing Secrets


"I feel like I'm being watched." Meowth thought.

A few days have passed. Meowth led the way traveling through narrow crevices. Right, left or forward it didn't matter nor did he care to explain why he chose a certain way. It was a new day and the tensions from the night before were as high as ever.

It was the same routine as always and the stupid twerp tried to bring the Pokémon together by getting them to find something in common with one another. Meowth couldn't take it anymore as he shouted his usual insults and then throwing its half-empty mug in the twerp's direction. That action led to an even bigger fight between the two as the remaining Pokémon continued to growl. Meowth went out of his way to literally draw a line in the gravel and dirt to have their camp divided.

Meowth was getting angry just thinking about last night. He had to ditch them but he was also tired. Meowth tried to sleep during the night but woke up due to the dreams that have been haunting him. Meowth couldn't move again so he had to stay in his place while hoping the numb feeling will wear off. Once the first few rays of sunlight appeared, the feeling started to go away. As if the rays of sunlight cleared away all of his problems, he regained control over his body.

Everyone was still asleep, now was his chance to ditch them. Meowth started to head out but suddenly the stupid twerp ran in front of him.

"I had a feeling you would be up early again, good thing I had Noivern to stay alert so I would know the minute you try to make your move." He said proudly of his bright decision-making as Noivern landed right behind him.

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