Catch me, Catch you

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Author Notes:

Moliere Academy- The name Moliere comes from well Moliere. Moliere was an actor in the 1660s, his plays explored social, psychological, and metaphysical questions. One play that he was in was called "Tartuffe".

Corneille- the full name was Pierre Corneille acted in plays that were more dramatic/tragic such as the "The Cid." He started acting a little earlier than Moliere but they both were technically around during the same time.

This chapter will have a brief songfic section by the end.

Chapter 4: Catch me, Catch you


Winding down after such an eventful day, the group found an Inn that was on the other side of town. Due to the lack of Pokémon centers nearby, this Inn did provide some services and necessities that a Pokémon trainer would need to help keep their Pokémon in tip-top shape for the journey ahead. Feeling the need for some external advice, Ash removed himself from the group to phone a friend.

"Hello, Ash. It's good to hear from you. How is your journey in Kalos going so far?"

"Hello, Professor Oak. Everything is fine."

"You're traveling near the Montes Jura range, right? You know I have a friend who's traveling there as well. Maybe you will run into him."

"Professor I have a question about Pokémon."

"What is it, Ash?"

"If a Pokémon did bad things, does that make it a bad Pokémon? Could a Pokémon truly be evil?"

"What is this about Ash? Is there a particular Pokémon you have in mind?"

"Sorry to interrupt!" Clemont came rushing in from behind. "Ash, have you seen Meowth anywhere?"

"No, I haven't."

"Well if you do, tell it to meet me in the lobby. They have a small treatment center here for Pokémon. It's not much but it will do."

"Yeah, sure."

Clemont continues his search, while Ash turns his attention back to the Professor who happens to have a baffled expression. Ash begins to explain, "You see Meowth is traveling with me..."

"YOU CAUGHT THAT MEOWTH!" Oak shouted. "That's great! HEY Tracy! Ash caught Meowth!"

A "really" could be heard in the background. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting to hear that. Do you think you could send it over? I have been wanting to study that Meowth the minute it came into my lab with those crooks." Professor Oak continued with vigorous enthusiasm.

"Actually Professor, I didn't catch it." It was as if all of Professor Oak's dreams shattered like a sheet of glass.

"WHHHAAAATTT!" he screamed. "Why not you're a Pokémon trainer aren't you. Then why is it traveling with you in the first place?"

"It's a long story, you see we found Meowth in Strasboro City and it was separated from Jessie and James."

Tracy interjects from behind Professor Oak, "You're not seriously going to let a Pokémon rejoin a team of criminals, are you? It's a Pokémon, it doesn't know any better."

"I beg to differ it knows what it does is wrong."

"I do believe that you are right Ash. Meowth does seem to have a sense of right and wrong." Professor Oak continues, "To answer your previous questions, I can say with full confidence that Pokémon are naturally good. It is in their nature and I have seen it time and again. A Pokémon can do good deeds but it also can do bad deeds as well. It all depends on the humans that influence it. This philosophy can also be implemented in Meowth's case. However, it may not be so easy. For all we know, the life of being in Team Rocket could be the only thing it knows. Nevertheless, such a sentiment does not change the fact that it is a wild Pokémon. When a trainer catches a Pokémon the Pokémon will become bound to that trainer. If you were to catch it, its desire to return to Team Rocket would diminish. You would also be able to build a better relationship through proper encouragement."

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