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How They Met

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ALLISON ARGENT so clearly remembered meeting the McCall twins—hell, how could she forget the embarrassment, even now.

She had been scavenging through her messenger bag when she had realized that she forgot to bring writing utensils to school. It was a truly harrowing experience when she joined her first class and Scott McCall placed a pen into her hand; there was something in his eyes that said he knew. Her heart practically skipped a beat when she realized that he probably did know her failure to a full extent.

It was in the next class that she met the other McCall twin and completely embarrassed herself again. Once she stood in from of the gorgeous and slender girl who was half an inch taller than herself, Allison found herself losing confidence by the second. She practically radiated sunshine and warmth as she greeted Allison with a stunning smile and introduced herself, but Allison felt her clouded mind curse her.

"I'm Skylar, or Skye, McCall–but most people just call me McCall number 2."

Allison recalled the coolness of Skye's thin hand when their hands were clasped together, but she never thought that Skye's hands could reach a lower temperature—until she held them as if she could tether her soul to this world.

Skye had laughter on her lips as Allison fumbled to introduce herself—she was almost saved by Skye's "I love your hair so much and you have the loveliest smile!" but her cheeks betrayed her as they flushed a shade of pink instead.

It would only be hours later over lunch that the Skye's words changed her life: "I think we're gonna be great friends, Allison Argent."

And in that moment, Allison didn't disagree; she simply couldn't find it in her heart to deny the possibility. She knew Skylar McCall was going to be a special person in her life.

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[EDITED] AUGUST 31, 2017

lol this chapter sucks but idk what to rewrite it to

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