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IF THE UNIVERSE HAD BEEN KIND, the two strangers would have encountered each other earlier, but here they were, living another life, pretending that they were as connected and interwoven as they wished to be.

Two weeks had passed, yet everything had been a blur.

Medical exams, countless visitors, and inedible meals had left Skye in a haze of confusion. She was exhausted and beaten down, but the world had never revolved around her and the universe was not as kind as she had once believed it to be.

Two weeks had brought a lot of tears and a lot of pain.

At first, the pain had been unbearable. The only thing that had numbed it was the morphine, but as the days passed and the seconds ticked away, the drug was not prescribed in the heavy doses it once was, and the world couldn't be numbed away. It was painful without the intoxication of prescription drugs, and it made Skye miserable, but it was necessary.

She spent a disproportionate amount of time pretending that the tears stinging at her eyes didn't exist. She tried to hide behind a facade, but it was difficult to manage when everything was out in the open.

She was in a hospital bed, confined by walls and windows, and her battered skin was covered only by a thin hospital gown, bandages, and blankets. She was under near-constant examination and care; eyes were always on her.

Everything felt transparent to her.

She wasn't hidden at all—her hair was ratty and the bags under her eyes were deep and dark—and the world noticed her. It wasn't that she was invisible before all of this, but now, she was visible, simply because her mortality had shocked and scared the population of Beacon Hills of the tragedy of life.

She hated it, of course, to constantly know that she couldn't just go home and cuddle her blankets and pillows until she fell asleep. She wanted her family and friends with her, but they were increasingly busy—the hospital bills were a strain on her mom so she had taken on extra hours and extra shifts whenever and wherever she could, her brother had gone back to school and his schedule seemed to conflict constantly, her father had gone back to work and juggled his numerous flights and visits to check on her, and her friends had all but gone radio silent over the course of two weeks.

It was painful. It was lonely. It was pitiful.

However, it was the mere few minutes of the day in which a boy snuck into her room that the pain seemed to fade. Perhaps it was all in her mind, but the pain physically seemed irrelevant as soon as sat down beside her, and the hurt faded away for a while.

It was everything to her that Isaac Lahey would even bother visiting her. It tormented her to no end, though, not knowing why he would do such a thing, but it was enchanting nonetheless to have his presence in her life. Some days he would bring snacks or even games, but most days, he just brought himself, and that was enough to brighten her day.

He'd constantly pull the curtains to hide them from the world of machinery and prying eyes, but he'd always open the blinds on the windows to give her a glimpse at the outside world. He'd bring flowers of all kinds; wildflowers plucked from the dirt, small flowers from trees, and even a few clipped roses had found their way into her room and made the cold sterilized room seem lively. He'd even gotten her a stuffed bear at some point, claiming that she should name it "Lahey" and arguing with her for half an hour until she gave in.

It was refreshing and endearing that he had even bothered. It was suspicious and coincidental, of course, as Skye would come to view the situation as she grew lonelier within the confines of her mind, but she couldn't help but still enjoy the comfort.

Before the accident, everything had been different.

She was just a stranger to him before the accident. She wasn't special—she was just another student, another acquaintance, and another stranger. She wasn't anything but a girl believing that love could grow from even the smallest of gestures.

She was barely connected to him because the web of lives the universe had been weaving had never entangled to that point. She had no reason to ever even come in contact with him, but from once chance encounter, their worlds had grown bigger and brighter. She was wishing for another life by believing in something that didn't exist, but the universe had been kind enough to introduce her to a world she had believed would never exist.

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[author's note from september 30th — "yes it's been... a while.
sorry, i just didn't know what to write. not many people really care about this story anymore and yes it gets reads but it doesn't really get votes or comments anymore so i don't really think about it. and i know that teen wolf is over (which is actually devastating for me) but i hope y'all stick with this story.
it's hard writing about isaac and season 2 because it's so far away now. isaac isn't even my favorite character anymore so i don't really see a point in writing about him but i want to finish this story at some point so i'm trying my best with college applications looming over my head and a semi-busy senior year" ]

now that i've written this part, it sounds like an ending. i don't want it to be the ending of their story, but it just might be unless i can figure out how to configure the rest of the season into it. i feel like people might be angry that the story was so short—that the "romance" of it all was lost somewhere, but i wasn't trying to write a romance. i was trying to write about chance and life and how one simple event could become something beyond what it was. i was trying to write about a girl who believed in a love that didn't exist, a boy who could learn to love, and the possibility of them ever coming together. i was trying to write in a way that seemed more realistic to me than simply a love story that is immediate and forever.

this isn't an end, though. i can't let go of skye and isaac like this. i'll probably write more and include their lives beyond this. but just know that this is an important part in their story; it's not an ending, it's a beginning. it's almost like the end of an act or a book, but i'm not sure how to continue it from here based on my format. perhaps parts 1-39 can be seen on its own and then the rest are more of extra additions or a separate book entirely??

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