Chapter 2- So You Think You Can Dance

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A/N: The video is the dance you show the boys.

"Okay, before I can come up wit a choreography for you guys I really need to get a taste of your different performing styles." You tell the boys who are currently standing in front of you awaiting instruction like good students.

"What do you mean?" Jimin ask you with a curios look on his face. You smile at his expression.

"Well I would like to see each of you dance. Individually that is. Just do whatever feels natural you know." You explain your method of thinking to them. Jhope and Jimin smile at the sound of that, but the other boys look a little anxious. You sit against the mirrors and face them. 

"Who wants to go first?" You ask them. Jhope raises his hand immediately. The other boys back off leaving him in the center of the dance studio. He walks over to the sound system and plugs in his phone. Some sort of techno music with a really deep base he walks back to the middle of the room and stands there completley still. You raise your eyebrow feeling a little confused at first,but then the beat drops and he begins to dance amazingly. Your mouth drops open a little bit in shock. You couldn't hide how impressed you were you were not expecting something with so much charisma from him, but you liked what you were seeing. You really liked it and you already knew exactly how you wanted him to dance in all of your choreography.

When he is finished he bows and you clap for him with a huge grin on your face.

"That was really good." You say looking up at him from your sitting position. He smiles at you and your heart beat picks up.

"Thank you." He says. He walks back over to the other boys and pushes Jimin out. It goes on like this for about twenty five minutes before everyone finishes. Jhope was by far the best,but Jimin also impressed you. His dance even incorporated flips or b-boying which you thought was extremely cool. V or Taehyung was good,but he was too shy. You hoped that working with him would help him to overcome this sadness. Jungkook also had the same problem there was a lot of talent hidden under his shyness. Suga did a lot of dancing like Drake and "twerking" ... if you could call it that. Jin and Rapmonster...well they made you laugh. You look at the bys who are standing in front of you finally regrouped and awaiting your judgement.

"I can work with that." You say. They smile at hearing this. Taehyung decides to speak up.

"Can we see you dance?" He ask boldly. You feel your face heat at the sudden confrontation.

"Um... I haven't really prepared anything for today specifically but, I'm sure that I can come up wit something." You say. You stand up and begin to stretch, well aware of the seven pairs of eyes on you, as you think of something you should dance to. A lightbulb suddenly goes of in your head and w=you finish stretching.

"I think I've got something." You tell them. You  walk over to the speakers and plug in your phone. You select the song work by Rihanna. Immediately RapMonster smiles --he likes that song a lot if you didn't know. You walk to the center of the room to the beat and then you begin to dance making sure to make eye contact with every single member. After all facial expression meant everything in dancing. Once you've finished you are breathing slightly hard. The boys all begin to clap.

"You're really good." Jhope say. There is slight shock in his voice. You don' t know if that should offend you are not so instead of allowing yourself to be offended you just smile.

"Thank you, but I think that your better than I am." You tell him honestly. He blushes and looks down. The other boys are studying you silently.

"So are you staying in the dorms with us?" Namjoon as you. You shake your head at him.

"No, I have a house not far from here though." You tell him.

"Oh that's cool." He says at the same time Jin says,

"Aren't you too young to be living by yourself." You laugh at his motherly concern for you.

"Don't worry I'm perfectly capable." You assure him. He still looks slightly uncertain. "Well it was nice meeting you all, but I should be heading out now." 

"Aww don't leave so soon." Jimin whines. You furrow your brow at him.

"I would like to stay but I have to go shopping." You say.

"Let us go with you." V suggest.  You are slightly confused at their eagerness all of a sudden.

"I'm not sure it's the type of shopping you guys want to be involved with. I'm going apartment shopping. For like furniture and stuff." You say.

"I'm coming with you." V says. "A girl should not be alone in the streets of Korea. It's not safe." You sigh knowing that you are not going to when this fight.

"Let's see if we can bring out this confidence in your dancing." You say quietly, but he heard you and pouts a little You quickly apologize not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings.

"If he's going then I'm going too." Jimin says. You shake your head.

"Oh no. One of you is more than enough." You say. "I'm gonna be busy and I don't want to get distracted to easily." Taehyung sticks his tongue out at Jimin. 

"You guys do what you want I'm gonna take a nap." Min Yoongi says. You feel  a smile play at your lips. 

"Okay Taehyungie. Let's go before rush hour hits." You tell him. Jimin is still pouting. You place your hand on his shoulder trying to be comforting.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" You say. He looks at you with wide eyes.

"Okay." He says you remove our hand from his shoulder.

"Good work today everyone." You say and leave the building with V.

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