Chapter 5- Homesick

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You and the boys were currently running through choreography for there new single. You felt awkward considering how they thought of you earlier this same day. You had worn the most modest dance outfit you had which was a white adidas tee and black adidas soccer pants. You run through the dance with the boys and notice Jin struggling in the back. 

You walk over to him and offer him help. He looks way feeling quite ashamed.

"Hey." You say placing a hand on his shoulder." Don't worry about it. Everyone messes up at first.I'm here to help you not judge you." He smiles shyly at you. The other boys have decided to take a brake so they sit down around the edge of the room and talk amongst each other. You guide Jin to the center of the room.

"Let me see you run through the moves and I'll give you pointers." You tell him. You smile at him encouragingly and watch as he runs through the dance. You notice almost immediately that he is too stiff and he needs to relax a lot. To help him relax you  begin to do the dance with him. You notice that it helps him almost immediately. You find yourself smiling as you dance and see Jin dance a lot better. It's nice to know that you can help him I this way. Once you are done applause break out around you too.

"I've never seen you dance like that Jin." Rapmonster comments and the other boys nod in agreement. Jin is smiling hugely.

"Practice I guess." He says sheepishly. You smile at him.

"You just needed to relax." You tell him sweetly. He nods at you. The other boys stand and walk over to you and Jin.

"(Y/N). " Jimin says.  You look at him with a raised eyebrow. " Can I hang out with you today?" You close your eyes thinking about your schedule.

"Um... tomorrow maybe. I want to work on some choreography today and finish unpacking."  You tell him. You notice the other boys glaring at Jimin. Tae is even pouting although he got to spend the entire day with you yesterday.

"If Jimin gets to hand out with Noona then I want to too." Jungkook says. Tae glares at Jungkook.

"You don't get to just claim her." He says. You laugh at the boys.

"Taehyung oppa don't be so over protective. We can all hang out okay. Once I get this choreography complete then we can all go to the beach or something." You tell the boys. " And Jungkook you don't have to call me Noona I am younger than you." Jungkook blushes and looks at the ground.

"So are we not hanging out tomorrow." Jimin ask.

"I guess we can because I promised you earlier that we woud." You say. Jimin smiles at this. You gather your bag and your water bottle.

"I'll see you all tomorrow." You tell the boys.

////////////////////////////////////////////////////Time Skip//////////////////

Once you get home you begin to finish unpacking. Your cellphone rings while you are in the middle of doing so and you answer it quickly. 

"Hello?" You say into the phone.

"Why didn't you call me as soon as you landed." Your mother's voice rings through the speaker. You roll your eyes.

"Mom  I was tired and then I was busy the next day...and the day after that. I'm sorry." You reply realizing your mistake. You hear her sigh.

"It's okay. Just be more considerate of my feelings next time." She says.

"Yes ma'am." You say.

"So other than that. How's Korea? Do you like your job? Are the people nice. Is your house big?" She says all in one breath. You laugh at her eagerness to hear about your new living situation.

"It's cool. Yes, I like my job. The people are just fine. And my house is big enough for me." You tell her.

"Oh that's good." She says. "How's your choreography coming along." 

"Good. I was actually going to finish the boys new single after I finished unpacking." You tell her. You hear something clang in the background. "What was that?"

"The dumb cat is knocking things off the counter again." Your mother says. "Get down from their you rat!" You laugh once more at her outburst.

"Mom I need to go I have work to do." You tell her. "But I will call you again soon."

"Alright. I love you and take care of yourself." She says.

"I love you too and you do the same." You say before you hand up the phone. You set your phone on the kitchen counter and continue cleaning up you house. After your home is thoroughly cleaned you work on finishing the choreography. Due to the fact that Jimin was the one that finished this song off you wanted him to do something special so you add in a flip. If he says it's too much for him or he simply does not like it then you will simply change the choreography., but for now you had completed the task at hand.

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