Chapter 22- With Grace

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"I think there is enough time left in the day to film another scene." The director announces. You stand up from the piano bench feeling awkward.  "Jimin you're up." Your eyes go wide at that statement. You weren't exactly ready for one on one time with Jimin. You had in fact been hoping o avoid doing so into last minute. Yoongi, who has already risen from the piano bench also nudges forward of the stage. You stumble at first, but quickly catch yourself and shake the worried look of your face.

"I didn't know you could sing like that." Jimin says walking up to you. You look down at the ground, your face flushed.

"Singing isn't really my thing." You admit to him, "I much rather prefer to dance." He puts his one of his hands under your chin and lifts your face up so that you are looking at him.

"Maybe you should add singing to your list of 'things'." Jimin says. You pull yourself away from him before things get to tense.

"I might." You say. You feel an arm drape across your shoulder.

"Jagi, you are so talented. I should just marry you already." Taehyung says. You laugh at his joke hoping it will hide some of the embarrassment you feel inside.

"I don't think that's necessary." You tell him. 

"It is." Tae remarks quickly. Jimin scoffs and rolls his eyes at the two of you before walking away. "What's his deal?"

You shrug in reply. "Maybe he didn't have a good night."  You say knowing just how bad of a night he had.

"Yeah that's probably it." Taehyung agrees. "Well Jagi you should go to the dressing room  and get ready for your next shoot." With that being said the two of you part ways. When you reach the dressing room the stylist gets to work immediately.

She dresses you in a loose T'shirt yet again. This one is all and it barely falls to your thighs. She hands you a pair of all black vans and lets your hair fall loose around your face. Apparently that was as far as this look went. You step out of the dressing room pulling the shirt down as you walk. Jimin is of course the first to notice you and he looks you up and down before licking his lips. You feel the urge to slap the look of his face but you decide against it.  You notice the set in front of you. It is yet another dance studio. This one was different from the one with you and J-hope. There were mirrors aligning the walls of this studio. Jimin stepped onto the set first you followed behind him timidly. 

"(Y?N), you won't be dancing this time. Your job is to just watch Jimin fondly." The director says. You nod.

"That shouldn't be to hard" You tell him. He smiles.

"Good, this should all go over smoothly then." The director says. You nod your head and return his smile despite the nervousness you felt about filming with Jimin. You look at his face realizing that the makeup artist covered up his wounds. 

"And ACTION!!" The director calls. Jimin grabs your hand suddenly pulling you close to him. You gasp at the sudden action.

"Jimin?" You question. He only smirks at you before tucking a loose piece of hair behind your ear. He leans down so that your noses are touching.

"Don't look so scared." He says. "I don't bite." You can feel the blush on your face. He pulls away while letting out a low chuckle.  He then leads you over to a mirrored wall and you follow behind him dumbly. He guides you to sit down against the wall you cross your legs do to the outfit you were wearing. You wanted to try and look as modest as possible.  Jimin puts one of his legs on each of your sides , as he is still standing before he proceeds to squat down practically straddling you. One of his hands are on your bare thigh while the other is on the back of your neck making sure that he has your full attention. The contact cause your heart beat to quicken its pace.

"Don't take your eyes off of me. " He tells you. His voice is huskier than usual. You look at him. 

"And if I do?" You question trying to lighten the tense mood.

"Just don't." He says before standing up and walking to the center of the room. He walks backwards to make sure that you were completely focused on him. You smile.

"I'm not looking anywhere else Jimin." You say. He smiles back.

"Good you should only focus on me." He says. You roll your eyes at the cocky statement.

"Of course." You say. Music starts to feel the dance studio and Jimin catches the beat in no time and he begins to dance to it. As much as you hate to admit, it was mesmerizing to watch him dance. His movements were so fluid, as if he himself was the music playing. Even if you could look away it wouldn't help due to the fact that the room was made of mirrors. Wherever you turned, there he was. So you did what he asked and you focused on him and only him. He was an amazing dancer. As he danced he watched you too as if reading your reaction to him. With ever spin you were blown away. As he neared the end of the dance he began to approach you walking slow like a lion towards its prey. When he reaches you he crouches down once again. He is breathing hard, exhausted from his performance.

"What did you think?" He asks you. You tilt your head up to make eye contact with him.

"You are amazing." You tell him honestly.

"You really think so, (Y/N)?" He says. You nod and he gives you the cutest smile ever breaking out oh his 'bad boy' demeanor.  

"You look so much better when you smile." You tell him. His smile drops a little as the lights for the set begin to dim.

"And cut!!!" The director yells. "Great job guys. I think we've done enough for the day." You let out a sigh of relief. Jimin notices and lets out a low chuckle.

"You ready to go home?" He asks.

"Very much so."

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