Chapter 44

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*this chapter is short, but I think it is a necessary transition.

You stare at Tae with horror written on your face. He looks at you with concern. His hair is still wet from the shower, but it doesn't seem to bother him.

"Tell me what?" He wonders. You look down unsure where you should start.

"It's um..." You start again, " Someone outted us and now BangPD-nim wants us to break up." Taehyung's face falls and he comes to sit next to you.

"What are you talking about?" He wonders. You're trying not to freak out about the situation so answering his question takes a little longer than it probably should.

"I just got a call from him, and that's what he told me." You say. His face goes rigid along with his body. But as soon as the agitation sets in on his features its gone. He reaches for a burger.

"Let's deal with that tomorrow," he says shocking you, "I want you to relax tonight. Without any stress." You stare at him dumbfounded as he reaches for a burger.

"Really?" You breath astonished.

"Yeah really." He says. "Start eating, I'll pick something to watch." He goes for the remote with one hand while keeping his burger in the other. You mechanically reach for a burger mechanically/ How could he be acting like nothing was happening? He was completely ignoring the potential tragedy you two were about to face. You'd admitted to yourself that you were in love with Taehyung. How could you not be? He had everything you wanted in a significant other. He was nice, caring, and he loved you. That was enough for you. You weren't ready to give him up. You didn't think that you ever would be.

" Jagiya" Taehyung calls. You break out of you trance and look at him. He's looking at you concerned. "You're not eating." Your heart sinks. He's still worried about you.

"Sorry," You say and quickly take a bite out of the burger. You chew it and swallow. It's delicious, but you can't focus on the taste. Taehyung puts on some random show and you stare at the TV screen not really seeing.

" Who do you think told?" You say. "We were so careful. I knew we shouldn't have told the other boys." You're speaking so quickly that Taehyung can't put in his thoughts. "I don't want to break up Tae. We just started and I care about you a lot-"

"We're not going to break up." He says interrupting your long trail of words.

"Huh?" You say sounding extremely articulate.

"I'm not leaving you." He reiterates. You blink at him

"Then what are we going to do," You wonder and he just shrugs.

"We can worry about that tomorrow. Just know that I'm not leaving you." He says, " I don't want you to worry about that today though. You and I are supposed to be relaxing." He says, You sigh deeply trying to push the phone call out of your head and enjoy what's in front of you now. It's not that hard to do because no part of you wants to think about what you will have to deal with tomorrow. You finish your burger silently and eventually move on to fries. Taehyung is done before you of course. You felt nervous about what would come tomorrow, but pushed those thoughts out of your mind. You didn't want to ruin what could be your last night with Taehyung as a couple.

"If you don't finish your burger I'm going to eat it." He says, You note that he has been watching you for a while now. You hand the burger to him.

"Here," You say. "I'll eat the salad you never touched." He smiles and happily takes the burger from you. You reach for the salad. The two of you finish your meal and you manage to ease up a little enjoying small talk and random television with your boyfriend.

Once the food is gone you slump down on the couch. Your eyes are barely open. You didn't feel tired before the food, but now there were so many calories in your body your mind didn't know what to do with them.

"I'm sooo full." You whine, "I think I might explode." Taehyung laughs at you and leans over to kiss your cheek. You inhale sharply.

"If you explode who will I date?" He questions. You glare at him.

"You did this to me." You mumble. He laughs again.

"Why are you saying it like I got you pregnant." He says jokingly. "This is a food baby, not the other kind." He pats your tummy for emphasis.

"Ya!," You push him away, "I'll fight you." Although your words are harsh there is a smile on your lips. You sit up and kiss him swiftly on the lips catching by surprise.

"Thank you for taking care of me." You say. Before he can respond you change the subject once more, " What do you want to do now?" You ask him. He looks up at the ceiling thinking.

"I have some thoughts," He says with a smirk on his face. You glare at him so he thinks better about the words he's about to say. " I'm kidding, but I know you're exhausted. Let's call it a night." You ironically perk up at the thought of going to sleep.

"Yes, let's do that please." You say and he smiles at you standing. You stand to and look down at the mess that the two of you have made.

"I vote on cleaning this in the morning." You say. You didn't think that you had the capacity to clean right now. If you had to deal with this dating 'scandal' tomorrow you didn't see why the dishes couldn't wait until then as well.

"I'll clean it. You go to bed" Taehyung offers.

"Why are you spoiling me?", You wonder. He just ignores it and starts picking things up around the table. You reach to help but he gently pushes your hand away.

"Go to be," He says, "You've been stressed enough" You study his expression and see nothing but concern. Deciding that you don't want to worry him any more than you already had you decide to listen.

"Okay," You say quietly. You reach up to give him a kiss on the cheek and head off to bed. You quickly pull the sheets back and lay down. You could hear Taehyung in the kitchen putting things away. You were so happy with him and now that might all come to an end. You felt that your heart might break. You knew that you should have kept things professional, but how could you. When you feel this way about someone you should be with them. Simple. Or was it?

Your mind was still reeling with the thought of what you'd have to face tomorrow. You knew deep down that someone had told the two of you, but you wondered who. All of the boys had been, or at least pretended to be happy for the two of you. You couldn't fathom what they'd hope to gain by doing this. Part of you hoped that you were wrong. You wanted to remain friend with all of them. 

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