Chapter 45

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When you wake the next day your heart feels heavy. Taehyung kept trying to brighten the mood, but you couldn't fight the fear that you were feeling. Today was the day that you would face the company as a couple.

"Tae," You say quietly as the two of you walk towards the office.You weren't going to the dance studio. The two of you were headed upstairs to talk to the CEO. Taehyung pushes the elevator button and then looks down at you.

"We'll be fine." He says. "No matter what I'm not breaking up with you." You smile a little and look away. You didn't doubt that he'd want to stay together and you were glad for that. The only issue was you were extremely uncertain about what all this would mean for his career and yours. There was no telling what the studio had in mind. The two of you weren't supposed to be together in their eyes. When the elevator comes to a halt the two of you walk out and towards the office. Taehyung reaches for your hand, but you don't let him. You didn't want to risk him getting in any more trouble because of you. So, you straighten your shoulders and walk into the office with him on your tell. The CEO sits at the round table along with the other members of BTS. This causes you to halt. You weren't expecting them to be here. Most of them are looking at anyplace other than you. But not Jimin he's staring. There's something in his eyes you can't read.

"Have a seat." The president says. You do as you're told and Taehyung sits next to you. There is a tense silence that follows.

"The two of you are dating?" He asks. You look up at him and then towards Taehyung.

"Should we answer a question you think you already know the answer to?" Taehyung says. The tone of his voice shocks you. He sounds pissed. Completely different from who he was a few minutes ago.

"I guess there's no point."the president agrees, "Dating amongst staff is not allowed. The two of you need to cut it off or (Y/N) has to leave." Your heart sinks. You already knew that this was the solution he'd seek but hearing it made it harder.

"Wai-" Jungkook starts, but he doesn't get to finish before Taehyung speals.

"If she leaves I leave." Taehyung shocks everyone here. You look to the other boys to gage their reactions. There are hurt looks and confused ones. You turn to look at your boyfriend.

"Tae-" You start.

"Don't be selfish Taehyung." Namjoon says drawing attention to himself, "You've already jeopardized us enough." My shocked eyes quickly turn into a glare. Was it him who told? Did he just pretend to be okay with this.

"I'll leave," You say quietly, but the weight of the words carries. "I don't want to stay somewhere I'm no longer welcomed." You say the last part while looking at Namjoon.

"You can't leave." Taehyung says. You look at him and smile.

"It'll be fine." You say. You say this to convince yourself and him. He looks concerned and angry. You turn your attention to the president. "So what happens next. Do I just leave?" He frowns as he ponders this.

"We can't replace you soon enough for that. You'll stay with us throughout the duration of the tour. We'll have to discuss your housing arrangements." He says. You hadn't thought about that. You were going to be without a place to stay if you didn't work here. You can feel Taehyung get tense next to you.

"This all seems a little rash." Hoseok says.He looks intense like he's trying not to make an outburst.

" Rules are rules." The boss says. "We'll do what we can to help her after this, but she made this choice."

"And how exactly did this choice come to your attention?" You ask. You don't want to be angry at anyone, but part of you feels betrayed.

"That's not of any importance. For now you and Taehyung need to act as if you aren't a couple. We can't have that in the company. I'm assuming that all of you have a practice to get to so I'll let you get to." He says rising from his seat and with that he walks out. You can't look at anyone. There was no point in him bringing them all here. For what? To see you get embarrassed. Taehyung grabs your hand and squeezes it. This time you let him.

"Let's go jagi-ya," He says softly. For some reason you're reminded of when you first met them. In this very room. It was good and you were excited to work with them. But this time was the opposite. You felt anxious for what was to come. You stand with Taehyung.

"Like I said. No practice today. I'll see you tomorrow." You say and head towards the door.

"(Y/N), " Suga calls out, "none of us wanted this." He says. You turn around with a glare that could kill.

"One of you must've." You say. Your acquisition cuts through them like a knife. You try to look around the room and guess who would've outed the two of you in such a way. It didn't really matter if the bad deed had already been committed. Now they would have to deal with this. You couldn't trust anyone in the room anymore. Namjoon stands up looking agitated.

"It was me." He says. You heart sinks. You had a feeling it would've been him, but part of you wished you were wrong. "Don't look at everyone else that way anymore. None of them had anything to do with it." Tears you hadn't realized you'd been holding back spilled from your eyes. You didn't even know what to say to him. He was supposed to be your friend and yet he had betrayed you in such a way. Instead of speaking or giving him the opportunity to hurt you anymore than he already had you spin towards the door. As you storm out Taehyung rushes to follow you.

"Let me take you home." He says when he catches up to you. "We don't have to talk about any of this today. We can figure it out another time. I promise." You are still in too much pain to try and utter a response. Instead of speaking you just nod at him. You wanted to beat the crap out of Namjoon. How could he? It was fine to be unprofessional when he wanted to kiss you, but now that you'd actually started dating someone it was suddenly an issue.

Taehyung and you head to your house in an eerily silent car. There was nothing that you wanted to say in the moment. You knew that Taehyung probably had a lot on his mind right now, but he was letting you mope in silence. This is what you needed right now. When you get to the house Taehyung starts to get out of the car.

"Wait."You say, "You shouldn't come in. I don't want to get you in any more trouble than I already have."


"Just give me a night alone okay. I don't want you to see me like this." You say. Your voice breaks a little.

"If not me then who?" He says, "It's my job as your boyfriend to comfort you." He says. You look up at him with wide eyes and then your expression shifts into a weak smile.

"How could I say no to you." You wonder. "Come on then..."

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