Chapter 37

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When you wake in the morning that you are lying next to something. You automatically think it's the Ryan plushy that Namjoon gave you the other day, but then again it's too big. You squeeze the plushie and it groans. Plushies are not supposed to do that. You open your eyes to see that you holding on to Taehyung and he likewise is holding onto you. Your eyes go wide for a brief moment, but the shock doesn't last long. Pain shoots through your brain searing hot and you feel like your gonna be sick. You quickly push Taehyung away and rush to the bathroom. You must've woken up Taehyung because you hear him call after you in a morning voice. You don't have time to think about how cute he sounds in the morning before you hurl your guts out. When you're finished you sit up leaning against the tub. You hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Yeah..." You groan.

"Open up (Y/N)," Taehyung's voice comes through the door.

"Oppa, I think I'm sick." You tell him as you crawl to the door and open it so it's cracked. Taehyung sticks his head in the crack and looks down at you. He looks cute all concerned for your well being, but you don't really think now is the best time to dwell on this. You feel like Satan himself is gripping your stomach so you curl up into a ball.

"Oh no, you had too much to drink didn't you," He says. You don't answer you just close your eyes and try to stop the throbbing in your head.

"Come on get up, I'll make you some soup." He says.

"I can't move," you tell him. He picks you up slowly and helps you sit on the counter.

"You're gonna need to brush your teeth and wash your face it'll make you feel better. " He tells you. You aren't really grasping what he's saying until he places a completely new toothbrush in your hand. You rip open the box and get down from the counter as slowly as possible so you can brush your teeth. Taehyung puts on of his shirts on the counter.

"I'm gonna go make you some soup, come out when your done okay?" He says. You nod your head in a pitiful manner and he walks away. You brush your teeth and wash your face in time that seems efficient enough. Once that's done you tug Taehyung's shirt over your head and walk out of the bathroom. His shirt is huge on you compared to Jimin's so you don't need to keep the shorts on. You folded them and left them on the counter.

Once you arrive in the kitchen the smell off soup hits your and your stomach turns. It wasn't that the soup smelled bad, but your stomach was in so much pain you couldn't fathom eating. You walk up to Taehyung. He is working on preparing your soup. You sit on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"How do you feel?" He asks you. You shrug your shoulders.

"Sick," You tell him, this causes him to laugh a little. "Why aren't you sick?" Taehyung turns to look at you over his shoulder at you.

"I don't know, I've been drinking longer than you." He tells you. You pout and look at your feet. You study him from behind silently. Something felt off, like something happened between the two of you, but you couldn't quite place it. Taehyung was being his usual nice self, but different somehow. You don't think too much of it.

"That makes sense, but how am I supposed to work today?" You wonder. Taehyung doesn't say anything he just slides a bowl of soup on the island next to you. You notice that he's standing awfully close to you. Your heart starts racing.

"Eat this it'll make you feel better." He says. You pick up the bowl of soup, enjoying the warmth in your hands and take a slow bite. You are trying to be sure that you don't upset your stomach.It taste really good, but you don't know if you are going to be able to finish it.

"Thank you Taehyung," You tell him. He smiles a you.

"Of course, you are my gi-"He begins but is interrupted by someone clearing their throat. You turn with curious eyes to see who it is. It's Jimin of course because fate is cruel that way.

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