Chapter 13- Goodmorning

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The rays of sunlight against your eyelids wake you from your peaceful slumber. You try to stretch your limbs, but soon realize that a pair of strong arms are constricting you. You began to remove Hoseok's arm from your waist all the while trying not to awaken him. He lets out a low groan and rolls over on his side releasing you from his hold. You let out a sigh of relief and get out of bed. You stretch your limbs that are still tired with sleep. A yawn escapes your lips and you head out of the room. You're not really sure what time it is, but your first stop is the bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror and let out a sigh of relief. Your hair had managed to stay decent. In fact it looked kind of beach like. You rinse your face with cool water to help you wake up and then you head to the kitchen. No one is there. You read the clock on the oven. It is currently 9:00. You had no clue when the boys would be up, but you hoped it to be soon. You didn't really want to be alone. Especially not after the horror movie you had just watched. You remembered that the MV shooting would be tomorrow and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You were both excited and nervous. What if the choreography you had worked so hard on wasn't good enough. You let that thought slip away and you look through the fridge. You settle on a banana not really knowing what else to eat. As you peel the banana you hear footsteps approaching you.

"Your up already." It was Jimin. You turn to great him with a smile not wanting to repeat the usual awkward tension the two of you usually held.

"Yeah. I'm an early riser...if I don't stay up too late." I say.

"Did you sleep well?" He ask you. You nod your head yes.

"Yeah it was fine. I didn't have any bad dreams." You tell him happily.

"And Hoseok...did he try anything?" He inquires. You roll your eyes at his jealous tone.

"No he didn't and if he had it would be none of your concern." You says feeling slightly irritated.

"Is that how you feel?" He wonders. You shrug.

"I just mean that you have no reason to be jealous." You say trying to make his see where you were coming from.

"And what about Tae. Would he have a reason to be jealous." Jimin says glaring at you.

"No. As much as he likes to believe so...I am not his jagi." You tell him sternly. He nods and walks past you to the fridge. He seems to be searching for something. Jimin closes the fridge and turns to look at you. He frowns as you take a bite of your banana.

"Was that the last banana?" He ask. You nod at him.

"You can have a bite if you'd like." You say holding it out to him. He approaches you slowly with dark eyes. Your knees trembled a little. He put his hand atop yours which was still holding on to the banana and pulls you close. You let out a gasp because you are taken by surprise.

"Jimin?" You say with a shaky voice. "What are you doing." His free hand makes it's way to your waist and you feel your heart flutter. He looks down at you before gently placing his soft lips onto yours. Your eyes go wide and you don't react for a moment. Shortly after you close your eyes and let yourself relax into the kiss. Your free hand makes it's way to his hair and your run your fingers through it. He gives a groan of appreciation before he breaks away.

"Um..." You say awkwardly.

"That banana must be really sweet because your lips tasted like candy." He says. Your face grows red at his comment. You look down at the floor and that is when you realize that Jimin is already dressed. He's wearing skinny jeans and a loose shirt.

"Are you going somewhere." You wonder aloud trying to change the subject and make it less awkward. He chuckles.

"That's what you have to say after I kissed you?" Jimin wonders.

"Ne. I just don't really know how to react to something like that. Guys usually don't do things like that with girls like me?" You admit. Jimin furrows his brow.

"Girls like you?" He wonders.

"You know...plain girls." You say. He smiles gently at you putting his hand on your chin and forcing you to look up.

"If you're plain. Then plain is beautiful." He says. You smile at the comment.

"Thank you Jimin." You say quietly. You put distance between you to. "But I really would like to know where you are headed."

"I'm gonna go get some new clothes." He says.

"More...but you already have so many." You say confused by the fact that he wants more clothed when he already has so many.

"I know, but don't you want more variety to pick from the next time you come over." He says with a smirk on his face. You blush. He was saying that because you were currently wearing his clothes.

"Don't be mean." You say playfully. " You like it when I wear your clothes." After saying this you immediately give yourself a mental slap wondering why you said something so courageous out loud.

"You're not wrong." He says looking you up and down. "Do you want to go with me?" He wonders. You ponder this for a while.

"Not today. I want to get home and finish unpacking also you guys have to shoot your MV tomorrow. I wouldn't want you to drain yourself by hanging out with me." You say. He rolls his eyes.

"As if being around you would drain me. I love your company." He says.

"Don't say things like that Jiminie." You say. He shrugs.

"It's the truth." He says. You set the banana on the counter no longer feeling the need to eat it.

"And also I can take you to breakfast so that you don't have to eat that." He says. You think about it yet again.

"Once again. I have to unpack." You say. Jimin wraps his arms around your waist making your knees go weak.

"I'll help you. After we shop." He says.

"But-" He cuts you off by placing his lips on your. You loose your train of thought and kiss him back. You wonder what's gotten into the both of you. Usually there was just tension between the two of you, but kissing him felt right somehow. You gently pull away.

"Okay." You say. He smirks at you.

"Let me get some clothes though and I think Myung can be our driver today." You tell him.

"Fine by me. Hurry and get dressed, but keep my shirt on. It suits you." He says. You roll your eyes.

"Yes sir" You say in a childish tone. You turn to walk away.

"And (Y/N)," Jimin says regaining your attention. " What you do from now on does concern me."


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