The Sleepover

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"Um,can you just stop right here.I gotta go do something."I said as Josh ceased slowly at the stop sign.It was still day light and I had a smile on my face.We kept my cousins and were a couple of blocks away from our secret skate spot.Josh's eyebrow arched and he had a worried look on his face.

"UGH,don't worry Josh.She's just doesn't want us to see her and her friends stupid secret skate spot." Ariel said.I put my right hand at the back of my head rest and gave her the bird.I jumped out the car before Josh can argue with me.I was half way there.

"BLAZE,I HAVE SOMETHING-"I stopped when I saw Blaze with a strange man a block away from the hide out.He had her arms behind her back.It looked like he had a knife in his pocket.A drug dealer.Damn it.Blaze.

"You're not going any where until I get my money." He said pulling the knife from his pocket.Blaze red hair was over her face,but I could still see fear in her big green eyes.

"I told you I paid all of the money to Big Talk.He said he'll give it to you."She said with trembling words.Dylan go back and get Josh.No,I she'll probably be dead by then.What should I do?Should I be a hero?

"LIES!"He hit her in the head and she let out a small sad scream.I think I should help now.Go and help her now.

"Do we have a problem here?"I asked as I walked up to them slowly.Blaze looked at me.The drug dealer looked shocked as he just saw me walking.His face soon turned to anger."Yeah she didn't pay and run along little girl as I handle adult busy."He said.I started walking faster getting closer to him.My anger slowly getting bigger.

"What'd you call me?"I said with more anger than ever.Anger management couldn't stop this shorty from killing a person.I was now  ten feet away.

"Run a long little girl,adult business is being settle."He grunted and pulled out his knife.I ran up to him and kicked him where it hurt.He bent over and fell to the ground.

"Yeah,that's what I thought you said."I grabbed his knife and kicked him in the stomach."I am not a little girl."I grunted out of my teeth.That word.I took my hair band and tied his hands on the back of him."Now,you're going to be a good boy and say that 'I am a big girl and an adult.' Now you try."

"I will not say that to such an ugly disgrace of life!"He spat.I laughed and kicked him again.He let out a cry of pain."You're an adult and big.I should've never messed with you." I smiled a corky smile.

"Let yourself out with that wire of the fence and don't ever come back you hear me."I grabbed Blaze by arm and let her out."Let's get the hell out of here before he gets up!"We ran.Me in the lead and Blaze behind,but next to me.I saw the car and waved my arms.

I jumped in the passagner's seat and Blaze got in the back.I panted.I turned around."Ariel cover the children's ears."

"What?No,you d-" I cut Ariel off.

"Now."I commanded.She did it.I turned back around.

"We got away quick didn't we."I heard Blaze say.I turned around and slapped her."The heck."

"The hell,Blaze.I told you to stop dealing with these stupid drug dealers.They're dangerous and will find and kill you.If they don't kill you first,I'll do it.I don't want you ever doing it again.Hand it over."I held out my hand.

"I don't-"

"Give it now!"I said.She gave all of her well stuff and I threw it out the window.I looked at Josh."Just take us to my house."

He nodded and I dozed off.I felt a hand touch me and I jumped up.I heard a deep laugh.

"What?"I smiled.

"We're here."He laughed.I playfully smacked him on the shoulder and got out the car.Ariel was right behind me.She gave me a dirty look and I smirked.I got the baby,Sergio, out and Sienna got out herself.I walked up to there singing.

"We are the champions my friends and we'll keep on fighting til' the end.We are the champions,we are the champions.No time for losers 'cause we are the champions...of the world."

Blazed laughed as Ariel groaned.Josh picked up Sienna and wrapped her around his neck.She giggled.I opened the door and he sat her on the couch.He started tickling her and she laughed.I put Sergio down.Blaze played with him and I walked in the kitchen.I turned around and saw Ariel.

"Oh my gosh.Stalker much."I said and went into the cabinet.I took out noodles and sauce.

"I don't know why Josh chose you.He obviously doesn't know what a real girl."My cousin spat.I turned around and looked right at her.She had many boyfriends.One each day and slept with them for fun.She never had a real boyfriend.

"You brought me to say this.Twinkle twinkle little whore,close your legs you're not a store."I snapped.She scoffed and left the kitchen.After finishing making dinner,I called everyone to eat.We all ate and finished.The kids went to sleep and my mom walked in.It was about ten o'clock.

"Hey.You got them to sleep."She whispered.The children were laying on me.Sergio on my chest and Sienna on my stomach.Blaze was curled up on my legs.Ariel was asleep on the other couch and Josh was on the floor next to the couch I was laying on.

"Do you want to stay, Josh?"My mom asked.I looked at her shock.I liked him and he kissed me,but I didn't think staying over was good.

"Um,sure.I'll just call my mom and tell her."He agreed and got up.My eyes grew big and my mom smiled.

"You are so dead."I told her in the most preppy accent ever.She laughed.

"You are to Brittany.I saw you kissing my boyfriend.You witch."She said in a preppy accent too.I laughed trying my best not to wake the kids or worse,Blaze. "I love you,mum."

"I love you too,Joey.I'll get covers and make a pallet on the floor."My mom walked out and Josh walked back in.

"What did she say?"I asked him as I got Blaze off my legs.Josh picked up Sienna and sat her next to Ariel on the couch.I picked up Sergio and put him next to Blaze.

"She said yeah,but no funny busy.She's not ready to be a grandma."He laughed.I laughed with him.He looked at me.He left my chin and kissed me.I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes.A girl can get used to this.

He looked at me and smirked.I smirked back.He arched an eyebrow and I laughed.

"Well,goodnight,Josh."I said going up the stairs.

"Goodnight beautiful.I hope I can see you in the morning."He replied.I couldn't help but smile.I opened my room door and started jumping around.My mom walked in.

"I raised a weird child."She said shaking her head and closing the door.I laughed and collapsed on my bed.

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