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Queen Selene stared down the document in her hands, deciphering a new budget to be voted on by the representatives of each sector. Of course, a whole lot of it went to supporting the vaccine production for Letumosis, but some of it went to air pollution treatment, housing, and a lunar sickness clinic. Fairly satisfied by the result, she leaned back and stretched out her joints, ignoring the slight creaking of metal. She cracked her knuckles and admired the new skin grafting on her hand-a gift from Kai. Her foot was also nice and covered with flesh under a pair of heeled boots.

"Your majesty," a guard entered the room and she quickly shoved her hand into a lace glove.


"Your visitors have arrived."

"Oh, thank you. I'll be there in a second." she told him. Standing up, she threw on her multi-pocketed jacket over a dark blouse and made her way to the throne room. She was a bit confused as to why people would gather there. In fact, no one had set foot there since her coronation. It was too haunting for too many people to be in there all the time. The guard followed her and opened the door, announcing her entrance once she came in.

The guests included all of her temporarily appointed reps from the sectors, as well as a few mediators from Earth. She saw Konn Torrin conversing with an African diplomat and several of the "lower class" reps (she hated thinking like that), turned to greet her as she entered.

"My queen."

"Your majesty." Her eye flickered orange and she turned toward the voice that was so full of sarcasm. A very gifted lunar greeted her with a roll of her emerald green eyes.

"Nice to see you too." she told her. This woman was from the inner city group and loved to bring up the fact that ending the monarchy was going to end the lunar gift. Honestly, Cinder thought she was the only one who really cared.

She scoffed and continued to flounce around with her jet spiked hair.

Someone tapped her shoulder. Spinning around, Torin smiled at her. "Long time no see."

"Yes, I guess so."

"Are you still sure about this? The republic. Yours going to have some mad Lunars on your hands. And of course, you wouldn't be a queen anymore."

Cinder looked out at the crowd. At the smiling faces that she had last seen covered in soot in some far off dome. She wanted them all too be happy. Frankly, she could care less if everyone had glamour like they did now. And she hated the idea of being at the risk of being manipulated like Levana had.

"I'm sure. These people need a voice. And I don't think a monarchy will do that for them. Plus, I think Earth and Luna would be better off with shells rather than glamour."

He nodded. "I couldn't agree more. I guess we should get this show on the road, then. Oh, and Kai wanted me to give you this." He handed me a thick envelope wrapped in a satin ribbon. "And no one will mind if you visit the palace once you're done here. Unless you have somewhere else to go..."

"No, that sounds great. I'm sure we'll meet again soon."

A camera man turned to her, signaling that they were live. She pursed her lips and spoke in the most clear way she ever had, as clear as she had speaking to Luna on the day of the bloody battle that ended it all.
"From now until time has turned, Luna is a Republic. A voice will be given to all of its people not just the rich and gifted. I give up all claim to the throne, and turn control to those who stand behind me. One man or woman from each of the prospects of Luna to oversee, advise, help, and protect the citizens of the Moon. I hereby dissolve the monarchy forever." She paused to let the words settle. "Long live the Lunar Republic."

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