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Yess, Wedding. FYI This chapter is high on media, because I love fashion and weddings and sappy music :p. I know, the song is from Twilight, don't kill me. But it works because of the love story plot thing I have going. Alright, you know the drill, play the song now.

From Kai's eyes but not his POV...:

Running a hand through his hair, Kai bit his lip, waiting.

"Kaito, do you know how long it took the barber to tame your hair?" Torin murmured. Hours, he was sure, not to mention the hours it took to make the elegant kimono print vest beneath his jacket that he was sure was covered in sweat.

Kai rolled his eyes, did it again, and continued to look towards the doors. Finally, a violinist started to play some music, and Iko started walking down the aisle as Cinder's maid of honor. Behind her came Scarlet, Cress, and Winter. A little boy, who he remembered as Sunto Sacha, carried a small pillow with two rings, and an old friend's daughter bubblingly played flower girl, throwing out white lily petals like fairy dust. Her little dress billowed out as she actually spun under the petals. Kai grinned. As she got to the line up of people, he plucked off his boutonniere, and pushed the flower into her hair. She giggled, and ran to her mother who was standing off to the side. Then, he heard the main doors open, and stood up from where he had crouched by the little girl.

A stunning woman stood down the aisle, in a red dress with a long train, gold lace, and pockets.

"Hey, Kai, you're gonna catch flies

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"Hey, Kai, you're gonna catch flies." Thorne mumbled.

He hadn't realized his jaw had dropped, but she was beautiful.

Her face was lit up, so bright and beautiful in his eyes, that she was even more beautiful than her glamour, or anyone else's. She came closer and he reached for her hand. She passed her bouquet to Iko and took his hands. She took one side of a red ribbon and he the other.

I won't stab anyone this time

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I won't stab anyone this time. Kai thought to himself.

Torin, the reverand, explained that they wanted to say their own vows.

Kai looked into her dark eyes, "Cinder, when I met you, I had no idea who you were, just that you were a mechanic in the market. I had no clue you would end up being the girl I had been searching for, Selene. And honestly, that ended up being more trouble than it's worth." She rolled her eyes. "All I'm trying to say is, I knew I loved you before you were a princess, even before I invited you to that ball. You are the only one with enough sarcasm to make being queen of the moon a laughable matter. The only one to help me through marrying someone else without losing my sanity. You're the only one I would share my life, my country with. And I may have been speaking to a country since I was a kid, but I couldn't write vows great enough to express how much I love you." Sunto brought him her ring, a band as simple and unike as her. It read 我的月光 or my moonlight. He slid it on her left hand and listened to her part.

Cinder took a deep breath and talked quietly, so as for only him to hear. "I don't exactly know how I ended up here, but no matter how many broken machines I have to ignore or how many dresses I'm put into, I wouldn't change a thing. Someone told me once that you and I had a beautiful love story. And I refused to selfishly care about my own love life while I was sitting on a throne. But I was insane to think that I could get away with letting our story go unwritten. Kai, I swear myself to you and I will forever love you through each and every turning page." She took his ring and slid it on his only slightly trembling hand with her shaking one. His was inscribed on the inside- 他微笑像太陽本身 ; he smiles like the sun itself.

"I do." he said.

"I do," Cinder replied.

They cut the ribbon together and were announced husband and wife, Emperor and Empress.

"You may now kiss your bride."

He lifted her thin, not at all Levana like, gold veil. Winking, he presed his lips to hers, and swept her off of her feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. The guests applauded as they kissed and kissed. Wolf whistled and Thorne threw out a cat call. Kai pulled away and laughed as he carried her out of the throne room.

"Stars. I love you, Kaito."

"I love you too, my moon."

Eeekkkk. I want to draw this with the dress and the bridesmaids dresses and the Lily bouquet, but it would probably suck soooooo. Anyways, do you like? I loved writing this. It honestly took me forever, because of the fact that I couldn't decide what her dress would look like. Whoops.

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